Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

New development strategy of Slovenia as a member of the EU

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
5.02.00  Social sciences  Economics   

Code Science Field
S180  Social sciences  Economics, econometrics, economic theory, economic systems, economic policy 

Code Science Field
5.02  Social Sciences  Economics and Business 
Economic, social and environmental development factors, competitiveness, regional development, tchnological development, sustainable development, trafic policy, development and economics of education, labor market amd migrations, social-security, familiy and population policy, take-overs, inovations, foreign direct investments, econometric and other matemathical modeling, general equilibrium models
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (18)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  33234  PhD Tjaša Bartolj  Economics  Junior researcher  2010 - 2014  78 
2.  13617  PhD Janez Bešter  Economics  Researcher  2009 - 2014  148 
3.  03131  PhD Milena Bevc  Economics  Researcher  2009 - 2013  356 
4.  27501  PhD Matjaž Črnigoj  Economics  Researcher  2010 - 2014  168 
5.  13547  PhD Jože Damijan  Economics  Researcher  2009 - 2014  2,508 
6.  24102  PhD Črt Kostevc  Economics  Researcher  2009 - 2014  324 
7.  19650  PhD Art Kovačič  Social sciences  Researcher  2009  133 
8.  34323  PhD Mojca Lindič  Economics  Junior researcher  2011 - 2014  39 
9.  09110  PhD Boris Majcen  Economics  Head  2009 - 2014  485 
10.  23544  PhD Nika Murovec  Economics  Researcher  2009 - 2014  97 
11.  30812  PhD Marko Ogorevc  Economics  Researcher  2014  104 
12.  18937  PhD Sašo Polanec  Economics  Researcher  2009 - 2014  355 
13.  15337  PhD Valentina Prevolnik Rupel  Economics  Researcher  2009 - 2014  393 
14.  15323  PhD Renata Slabe Erker  Economics  Researcher  2009 - 2014  302 
15.  02393  PhD Peter Stanovnik  Economics  Researcher  2009 - 2012  509 
16.  07813  PhD Nada Stropnik  Economics  Researcher  2009 - 2014  466 
17.  24563  PhD Miroslav Verbič  Economics  Researcher  2009 - 2014  483 
18.  36385  PhD Nataša Vrh  Economics  Junior researcher  2013 - 2014  17 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0502  Institute for Economic Research  Ljubljana  5051690000  2,511 
2.  0584  University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business (SEB)  Ljubljana  1626922  43,672 
In the next medium-term period, the research of the programme group will be focused on examining, developing and using of relevant methodologies and tools which will allow us to follow the shift in the quality of Slovenia's development policy after its accession to the European Union, incorporated in the new Strategy of Economic Development. The changed comprehension of development (IMAD) called also a new development paradigm should go beyond the present focusing on macroeconomic stabilisation, transition-related reforms and setting up of an institutional framework of market economy in compliance with EU rules. Slovenia opts for sustainable development, which allows meeting of the needs of present generations without jeopardising the chances of the future generations for at least equally successful meeting of their needs. It is a precondition for increased competitiveness in the long run, as it aims at narrowing of the economic lag, but not at the expense of lower level of social and environmental development. Sustainable development has three dimensions: a) a structural dimension, i.e. three sources of prosperity - economic, social and environmental; b) the dimension of time and inter-generational dimension; and c) a spatial dimension - with an emphasis on regionally balanced development. At the same time and parallel to the processes of European integration also the processes of global integration have intensified, meaning the toughening of international competition and increasing importance of the ability to adjust, cooperate and learn. Only a proper response of development policy to the changed conditions will lead to stronger competitive ability and adaptability of Slovenian economy and the state. a) Within the framework of the economic development factor, marked by intensive internationalisation of economic activities, innovation in all phases of production and a rapid development of new technologies, the research will deal with the situation and possible measures for improved competitive ability and innovation of Slovenian economy (completion of transition restructuring of the corporate and in particular financial and infrastructure sectors, technological development in the world and in Slovenia, narrowing of technological gap, the effect of foreign direct investments on closing the technological gap, monitoring of competitive ability and adaptability of Slovenian economy and the state, analysis of company takeovers, transport policy, regulation of telecommunications market, simulations of measures and analysis of the consequences of current economic policy on the basis of the developed analytical tools and databases). b) within the framework of the social development factor and inter-generational dimension of sustainable development (the importance of human and social capital, social security and inclusion, increasing importance of social society), the research activities will be focused on: surveying of the functioning of the labour market in changed conditions, development and economics of education and migration, family economics, welfare of children, poverty, income inequality and social exclusion, analysis of personal income tax and social transfers, social security, social services, social-security, family and population policy, demographic changes and sustainability of pension reform. c) within the framework of the environmental development factor-which promotes an active developmental role of the environment instead of non-selective easing of all pressures, or in other words, a reorientation from dealing with concerns about excessive burdens on the environment to active optimising of the possible contribution of the environment to prosperity and development - the research activities will be focused on two areas: the environmental economics and industrial ecology. We shall evaluate the environmental sustainability of Slovenia - the original state of the environment and the policies
Significance for science
Research work contributed to scientific methods and findings through the use of the theories and developed methodologies within the specific context of a small open economy. Theoretical, methodological, applicative and development research of Slovenian economy, comparable with the similar research in the world could provide the basis for: - development of newer economic theories and methodologies (development of new methods of measurement of aggregate productivity, with theoretical contributions it could be possible to prove new theorems regarding behavior of households, government and firms in different contexts, development of the methodology for measurement of the effects of the design services; development of the health system model; research of Pass-on Trade phenomenon; contribution to the development of conceptual models for understanding the effects of environmental policies, measures and practices - inclusion of the theoretical findings in the empirical research (Rich individual-level data set enables us to estimate the impacts of student employment more accurately. Furthermore, matching methods were applied to such data for the first time; analysis of the effects that the financial system has on the economy through the business cycle; analysis of the causes for the high indebtedness of Slovenian corporate sector and the financial constraints for the corporate investments and economic recovery; research of the impact of changes of policy changes on macroeconomic aggregates and partial economic categories at the national level, at the level of the payer of health care programs as well as at the level of individual taxpayer; contribution to quantitative additional evidence on the impacts of environmental policies on macroeconomic aggregates and partial economic categories) and in the development of the appropriate models (development of the health system model with the use of multi-method dynamic modeling; further development of the microsimulation models). - development of the theory of the internationalization of the enterprises - empirical research on dynamic causal link between innovation, internationalization and productivity growth is receiving an increased attention recently. In this field, our program group is one of the frontrunners in the European and global scientific community (research of Pass-on Trade phenomenon; research of the impact of (qualitative and quantitative) import dynamics and its structure on the employment and innovation dynamics; comparative analysis of the impact of integration into global value chains on productivity, employment and exports growth, on innovation activity and technological restructuring of new EU member states' economies).
Significance for the country
Research program is inherently integrated in the economic and social development of the Republic of Slovenia. With the research work we follow an unavoidable quality shift in the development policy of Slovenia after its inclusion in the EU integrated within the new Strategy of Economic Development and thus contribute to: further promotion of technological, scientific-research and innovation policy, improvement of international competitiveness of the Slovene economy, upgrading of human capital in individual economic activities, enhancing the quality of development documents, which are presented to responsible directorates of the EU, higher quality of monitoring and forecasting development of education/lifelong learning and migrations, including in its regional dimension, providing for a scientific and analytical basis for the formulation of social protection, family and population policies and placement of Slovenia in the European space, improvement of the understanding of the logic of take-overs and of their rules, and of the logic of sharing their costs and benefits which should bring our companies to the same footing with the foreign ones, both within Slovenia and in the foreign markets, improvements in the leadership of the transportation policy and of the regulation of the telecommunications market, analysis of economic as well as intra and intergenerational redistributive effects of alternative possible strategies of financing the system of social security, preparation of analytical foundations for the policy makers in their decision-making and for leading consistent economic policies in the framework of the EU. Contents, treated by researchers, are directly useful for the activities of the Office of the government of Slovenia for development, which, with execution of the accepted economic and social reforms for the increase of competitiveness of Slovene economy, is taking care for actual operationalisation of the Strategy of development. Research program of the IER is conceptually directed to the transmission of theoretical findings and methodologies in the preparation of analytical background for dealing with numerous economic and social needs. Researchers are in this way directly included in applied and development projects which aim at analysing the state of affaires in individual areas, suggestions for changes and assessment of the consequences of suggested changes or reforms – tax system, social transfers system, pensions system, health and long-term care system, demographic trends, sustainability of public finance, human and social capital, economics of education, migrations, environmental economy, sustainable development, planning and implementation of development programs, directions of spatial development, innovations, technology and R&D policy, competitiveness, factors of productivity of firms, absorption capacities of the firms, liberalisation of foreign trade, economic integrations, and so on… Exceptional inclusion in the most relevant social processes in Slovenia is definitely directly reflected in numerous applied and development research projects, which the members of the research program carries out for particular users. This additionally confirms the right conceptual orientation of the scientific-research work of the reserach program. In any case, direct results of the applied work for individual users are those which actually reflect the importance of the mission in the transfer of the latest theoretical findings into practical application for the needs of the economy and of the government.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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