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dr. Jurij Leskovec

dr. Jurij Leskovec
št.: 33425 vir: ARIS

raziskovalec - aktiven v raziskovalni organizaciji
Raziskovalna dejavnost

Koda Veda Področje Podpodročje
2.07.07  Tehnika  Računalništvo in informatika  Inteligentni sistemi - programska oprema 
5.03.00  Družboslovje  Sociologija   
Bibliografija Reprezentativne bibliografske enote | Osebna| COBISS+
Upoš. tč.
Podatki za zadnjih 5 let (citati za zadnjih 10 let) na dan 25. junij 2024; A3 za obdobje 2018-2022 (posodobitev za poziv v 2023: NE)
Podatki za razpise ARIS ( 21.05.2024 – Ciljni raziskovalni programi, arhiv )
Bibliografski kazalci uspešnosti za izvolitev v naziv
Baza Povezani zapisi Citati Čisti citati Povprečje čistih citatov
WoS 93  18.313  18.250  196,24 
Scopus 120  40.172  39.997  333,31 
Avdiovizualni viri
št. Naslov (s povezavo na video) Dogodek Vir
1. Učenje povzemanja besedil s pretvorbo v semantično mrežo  Zagovor diplome  Predavanja na Videolectures 
2. Semantic text features from small world graphs  Subspace, Latent Structure and Feature Selection techniques: Statistical and Optimisation perspectives workshop 2005 - Bohinj  Predavanja na Videolectures 
3. Scalable Modeling of Real Graphs using Kronecker Multiplication  ICML 2007 - The 24th Annual International Conference on Machine Learning  Predavanja na Videolectures 
4. Dynamics of Real-world Networks  PhD Thesis Defense  Predavanja na Videolectures 
5. Cost-effective Outbreak Detection in Networks  The 13th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining  Predavanja na Videolectures 
6. Diffusion and Cascading Behaviour in Networks  NATO Advanced Study Institute on Mining Massive Data Sets for Security  Predavanja na Videolectures 
7. Mining Large Graphs: Laws and Tools  The 18th European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML) and the 11th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD), Warsaw 2007  Predavanja na Videolectures 
8. Cost-effective Outbreak Detection in Networks  Solomon seminar  Predavanja na Videolectures 
9. Modeling real-world networks using Kronecker multiplication  Solomon seminar  Predavanja na Videolectures 
10. Microscopic Evolution of Social Networks  14th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, Las Vegas 2008  Predavanja na Videolectures 
11. PhD Thesis Defense: Dynamics of large networks  VideoLectures.NET - Single Lectures Series  Predavanja na Videolectures 
12. Planetary-Scale Views on a Large Instant-Messaging Network  European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD), Bled 2009  Predavanja na Videolectures 
13. Meme-tracking and the dynamics of the news cycle  The 15th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, Paris 2009  Predavanja na Videolectures 
14. Large Networks, Clusters and Kronecker Products  ILP/MLG/SRL collocated International conferences/workshops on learning from relational, graph-based and probabilistic knowledge, Leuven 2009  Predavanja na Videolectures 
15. Modeling Social and Information Networks: Opportunities for Machine Learning  The 26th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Montreal 2009  Predavanja na Videolectures 
16. Dynamics of Large Networks   The 15th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, Paris 2009  Predavanja na Videolectures 
17. Governance in Social Media: A Case Study of the Wikipedia Promotion Proces  4th International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media 2010 - Washington  Predavanja na Videolectures 
18. Empirical Comparison of Algorithms for Network Community Detection  World Wide Web Conference 2010 - Raleigh  Predavanja na Videolectures 
19. Predicting Positive and Negative Links in Online Social Networks  World Wide Web Conference 2010 - Raleigh  Predavanja na Videolectures 
20. Prijatelji in sovražniki: Socialna omrežja s pozitivnimi in negativnimi povezavami  Podiplomski seminar na Fakulteti za matematiko in fiziko: Seminar za diskretno matematiko  Predavanja na Videolectures 
21. Correcting for Missing Data in Information Cascades  Fourth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining - WSDM, Hong Kong 2011  Predavanja na Videolectures 
22. Rhythms of Information Flow through Networks  8th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), Heraklion 2011  Predavanja na Videolectures 
23. Social Media Analytics  VideoLectures.NET - Single Lectures Series  Predavanja na Videolectures 
24. Networks, communities and the ground-truth  Solomon seminar  Predavanja na Videolectures 
25. Omrežja, Stanford in Silicijeva dolina  VideoLectures.NET - Single Lectures Series  Predavanja na Videolectures 
Doktorske disertacije in druga zaključna dela Prikaži
Pridobivanje rezultatov je v teku
vir: ARIS
Tip zaposlitve Razisk. org. Razisk. skup.
Delovno razmerje po pogodbi o zaposlitvi (20%, RD:20%)  Institut "Jožef Stefan"  Odsek za umetno inteligenco 
Raziskovalni projekti ARIS Legenda
vir: ARIS
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