Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Development of guidelines for aggression reduction on school level based on an anxiety-aggression model and trend analysis of anxiety and aggression in Slovenian primary schools from year 2007 to year 2011

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
5.09.00  Social sciences  Psychology   

Code Science Field
S260  Social sciences  Psychology 

Code Science Field
5.01  Social Sciences  Psychology and cognitive sciences 
anxiety, aggression, reduction model, school
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (1)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  28361  PhD Ana Kozina  Educational studies  Head  2013 - 2015 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0553  Educational Research Institute  Ljubljana  5051614000 
Based on a relation between anxiety and aggression, their developmental trends and related factors in home and school environments, the project introduces a model of reducing aggression indirectly through reducing anxiety. The project is a continuation of an idea presented in the doctoral dissertation of the project leader, which empirically tested the causal model of anxiety and aggression on a large representative sample of 4th grade and 8th grade pupils who participated in the TIMSS 2007 study and a large representative sample of upper-secondary students who participated in the TIMSS Advanced 2008 study. The scientific background for the model and for the project is provided partly by the frustration-aggression theory and partly by the model of defensive behaviour by M.F. Delfos (2004). The project is divided into two parts: the scientific part, followed by the practical part. Analyses will be performed on the TIMSS 2007 data (N=8,394) and TIMSS and PIRLS 2011 data (N=9,415). Both data collections include measurements of anxiety and aggression using the same anxiety and aggression scales: the LA aggression scale (general aggression; physical aggression; verbal aggression; inner aggression; aggression towards authority) and the LAOM anxiety scale (general anxiety; emotions; decision-making; worries). The target group of both the TIMSS studies and the project are primary school pupils (4th and 8th grade). Specific project objectives are: (i) an analysis of developmental and time-related trends of anxiety and aggression over a period of 4 years (a longitudinal cohort study); (ii) an analysis of explanatory factors of anxiety and aggression (multiple regression analyses for home (SES, migration status, parent-children activities, free-time activities etc.) and school environment variables (school climate, achievements, attitude to school subjects etc.); (iii) evaluation of the causal model of anxiety and aggression from 2007 on TIMSS 2011 study trend data separately for both genders and both age groups (by validating the model on different samples, in different time periods and in different age groups the results have greater generalizability and validity); (iv) evaluation of the theoretically defined model of reducing aggression through reducing anxiety in practice (a quasi-experimental design with a control group). For the purposes of evaluating the causal model in practice, a new internationally recognized anxiety prevention programme will be implemented in Slovenia: the FRIENDS programme. During the project it will be used on a convenient sample of 4th grade and 8th grade pupils to evaluate whether reducing pupils' anxiety can result in reducing their aggression in a real situation. In a relatively short time (10 weeks), the FRIENDS programme offer reduction of anxiety (and consequently also aggression), whereby negative impacts of high anxiety and consequently aggression on the society are also reduced. Project results have not only a high scientific value (for developmental and educational psychology alike) but also a significant practical value (the project provides a scientifically based and empirically validated model of reducing anxiety and aggression with assumed immediate (and also long-term) positive consequences for the participating pupils). The project uses modern statistical approaches and controlled trials, which makes its findings reliable and valid and can as such be directly incorporated into psychological theory. Moreover, by introducing the programme and the innovative model of reducing anxiety and aggression to a school environment, impacts of the project reach beyond the duration of the project. The programme is at a later time intended for a wider preventive use in primary schools.
Significance for science
The project contributes significant findings to the field of developmental psychology, i.e. it analyses the development of anxiety and aggression in the same generation of pupils over a period of 4 years (with gender effects). Since longitudinal cohort studies are rarely conducted on representative samples of such large size, the results are of great importance. Additionally, the project offers an analysis of developmental trends by anxiety and aggression components, which are - especially in the field of anxiety – a novelty and as it turned out of great importance when it comes to aggression trends (e.g. time related differences could be observed on the component level and not on the general aggression level). Since the entire project is placed in school environment, its findings are important for educational psychology as well. For instance, the project identified which of the variables (out of large number of variables (e.g. school size, school climate, pupils' attitudes to school subjects etc.) collected in two time periods and in two age groups) at the level of schools and home environment significantly predict a higher level of anxiety and a higher level of aggression. The conclusion and recommendations were drawn that could be of great use for experts working in schools (for example through measures taken to improve the school climate). Of special relevance are those factors that are common to both. By affecting these factors it is possible to additionally contribute to reducing aggression and also anxiety and thus diminish the negative impacts of these two phenomena on pupils and the way they function in schools. Furthermore, the project applied state-of-the-art methods and used very large representative samples to examine the causal model of anxiety and aggression. This model is innovative in scientific literature and is significant in that it sheds light on the causes of aggression; it also has practical implications in the new approach of reducing aggression through reducing anxiety. The causal model has thus contributed to findings about the causes of aggression at a theoretical level and brought practical guidelines for reducing aggression on the basis of reducing anxiety. Due to the fact that aggression prevention programs abroad and in Slovenia are more or less unsuccessful the results of the project are very much welcomed (aggression has increased in the control group that has not been exposed to the anxiety prevention program). Innovativeness and new observations in all previously mentioned fields has made a significant contribution to the development of science and has by becoming involved in the fields of both developmental and pedagogical psychology enabled their greater interaction and thereby the development of interconnected models for more efficient work in practice. At the same time these new observations has also provided experts in the field with empirical evidence collected in a methodologically valid way which has enabled further progress of relevant sciences. All of the observations has been published in international scientific journals on a regular basis during the course of the project and are still planned afterwards.
Significance for the country
The project offers a theoretically based and empirically evaluated plan of reducing anxiety and aggression, which both disrupt individuals’ well-being, their functioning in the school as well as the society as a whole. Constant anxiety affects children on an emotional level, is harmful to their physical health, impact their development, learning and the development of interpersonal relationship, in particular during the schooling period. Aggression likewise induces negative consequences for both individuals subjected to aggressive behavior (lowered achievements, anxiety, depression, suicidal tendencies etc.) and for individuals displaying aggressive behavior (lowered achievements, poor self-image, difficulties related to cognitive and socio-cognitive functions etc.). Project has taken a holistic approach in addressing anxiety and aggression in school setting. It is important to notice that all the data has been gathered on large representative samples for Slovenia and therefore validly reflect the current state in Slovenia. And since our data showed significant increase in anxiety in four year time this opens the relevant question of anxiety prevention and intervention on school level and wider. At the same time the project offers promising results when using social and emotional learning programs such as FRIEDNS program that has not previously been used in Slovenia. The FRIENDS program has proven to be effective at reducing anxiety in a number of countries and is the only program of this kind recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO, 2004). Studies (Barret et al., 1996) have revealed that after program completion anxiety symptoms on average get reduced in 80% of participants and, even more importantly, that positive impacts persist even 6 years after the program has been completed (Barret, Duffy, Dadds & Rapee, 2001). In Slovenia (during the project) we have identified promising results for problems related to anxiety and for problems related to aggression. The program has been translated and adapted to the Slovene environment (the workbooks for students) and are ready to be used (prior further use agreement has to made with the authors of the FRIENDS program, for the needs of the project a research license agreement has been signed with limited time frame). Considering a high level of efficiency of the program, the input is minimal if compared with its contribution. Reducing anxiety and aggression at an early stage is correlated with higher school performance and at a later time in life also with better work performance and therewith a greater contribution to the society. And increased work efficiency results in greater productivity of the economy and therewith also a smaller number of instances of absence from work and sick leave. Studies (Connor, 2002) have for instance shown that children who are aggressive in their young age are later in their adult age more commonly unemployed, which adds to the burden of the state and the society as a whole.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2013, 2014, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2013, 2014, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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