Organisations source: ARIS

Educational Research Institute

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
5.01.00  Social sciences  Educational studies   
5.01.01  Social sciences  Educational studies  Pedagogy 
6.05.00  Humanities  Linguistics   
6.10.00  Humanities  Philosophy   
5.09.00  Social sciences  Psychology   
6.03.02  Humanities  Anthropology  Social and cultural anthropology 

Code Science Field
S270  Social sciences  Pedagogy and didactics 
H001  Humanities  Philosophy 
H350  Humanities  Linguistics 
S271  Social sciences  Special didactics 
S272  Social sciences  Teacher education 
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Data for the last 5 years (citations for the last 10 years) on September 27, 2024; A3 for period 2018-2022
Database Linked records Citations Pure citations Average pure citations
WoS 136  900  826  6.07 
Scopus 184  1,259  1,148  6.24 
Research groups (8)
Researchers (37)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Status No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1. 31229  MSc Sabina Autor  Philosophy  Researcher  112 
2. 33021  PhD Simona Bezjak  Educational studies  Researcher  64 
3. 55863  Lucija Zala Bezlaj  Linguistics  Researcher  30 
4. 33228  PhD Igor Bijuklič  Anthropology  Researcher  267 
5. 51519  Petra Bozovičar    Researcher  120 
6. 19634  MSc Mojca Čuček  Economics  Researcher  34 
7. 29651  MSc Suzana Geržina  Sociology  Researcher 
8. 15844  PhD Alenka Gril  Criminology and social work  Researcher  471 
9. 34582  PhD Jerneja Jager  Educational studies  Researcher  249 
10. 13260  Barbara Japelj Pavešič  Educational studies  Researcher  209 
11. 51990  Špela Javornik  Educational studies  Researcher  25 
12. 29778  Alenka Jurič Rajh  Educational studies  Researcher  50 
13. 26529  PhD Eva Klemenčič Mirazchiyski  Educational studies  Researcher  533 
14. 04159  PhD Zdenko Kodelja  Educational studies  Researcher  732 
15. 28361  PhD Ana Kozina  Educational studies  Researcher  387 
16. 51939  PhD Žan Lep  Psychology  Researcher  211 
17. 38761  PhD Plamen Vladkov Mirazchiyski  Educational studies  Researcher  121 
18. 31319  MSc Ana Mlekuž  Educational studies  Researcher  186 
19. 51520  Mateja Mlinar    Researcher  156 
20. 51580  Jure Novak  Educational studies  Researcher  20 
21. 54259  Igor Peras  Educational studies  Researcher  74 
22. 54258  Nina Pertoci  Educational studies  Researcher 
23. 51989  Tina Pivec  Psychology  Researcher  86 
24. 20960  MSc Mateja Režek  Educational studies  Researcher  279 
25. 19351  PhD Mitja Sardoč  Educational studies  Researcher  749 
26. 27592  MSc Karmen Svetlik  Educational studies  Researcher  62 
27. 12196  PhD Marjan Šimenc  Sociology  Researcher  541 
28. 30977  PhD Klaudija Šterman Ivančič  Educational studies  Researcher  162 
29. 19642  Simona Štigl  Educational studies  Researcher 
30. 32315  PhD Urška Štremfel  Educational studies  Researcher  391 
31. 51521  Manja Veldin    Researcher  160 
32. 14015  PhD Valerija Vendramin  Anthropology  Researcher  294 
33. 25430  PhD Maša Vidmar  Educational studies  Researcher  243 
34. 24346  PhD Tina Vršnik Perše  Educational studies  Researcher  305 
35. 34990  Petra Zgonec  Educational studies  Researcher  223 
36. 05737  PhD Igor Žagar Žnidaršič  Culturology  Researcher  975 
37. 24441  PhD Janja Žmavc  Linguistics  Researcher  321 
Research projects (82) Legend
no. Code Title Period Responsible person No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1. J5-50173  (Growing) Cultural distance and stereotypisation in small transition states: the case of the ex-Yugoslavia countries  10/1/2023 - 9/30/2026  PhD Boštjan Udovič   1,945 
2. J5-50156  Positive Teacher Development Model - An interplay of the Individual (Motivational, Emotional, and Cognitive) and Contextual (School and System level) Assets during the School Year  10/1/2023 - 9/30/2026  PhD Ana Kozina   1,970 
3. BI-BA/24-25-003  The psychological mechanisms of converting youth political identities and political orientations into their prosocial and pro-environmental behaviours  1/1/2024 - 12/31/2025  PhD Žan Lep   211 
4. N5-0272  Education at the Frontiers of the Human: The Challenge of New Technologies  1/1/2023 - 12/31/2025  PhD Janja Žmavc   954 
5. J5-4570  Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Schooling, Teachers and Students: Well-Being, Teaching and Learning  10/1/2022 - 9/30/2025  PhD Plamen Vladkov Mirazchiyski   1,321 
6. L5-4571  Eight graders’ attitudes towards migration topics in Slovenia and Europe – data from IEA's ICCS 2009, 2016 and 2022  10/1/2022 - 9/30/2025  PhD Eva Klemenčič Mirazchiyski   740 
7. V6-2339  Second Comprehensive Language Policy Survey on the Needs of Language Users in Slovenia and Users of Slovenian in Neighboring Countries and Worldwide  10/1/2023 - 3/31/2025  PhD Nataša Gliha Komac   4,307 
8. J5-3114  The role of social context in bullying: promoting inclusive school by shaping positive peer culture  10/1/2021 - 11/30/2024  PhD Katja Košir   3,638 
9. V5-2129  Equity and quality in education - between the past and the future  9/1/2021 - 8/31/2023  PhD Mitja Sardoč   2,110 
10. J5-2553  New Domains of Inequality: The Digital Divide in Slovenia  9/1/2020 - 8/31/2023  PhD Plamen Vladkov Mirazchiyski   2,415 
11. J5-1781  Positive Youth Development in Slovenia: Developmental pathways in the context of migration (PYD-SI Model)  7/1/2019 - 12/31/2022  PhD Ana Kozina   1,777 
12. J5-9437  Effectiveness of different types of scaffolds in self-regulated e-learning  7/1/2018 - 6/30/2022  PhD Cirila Peklaj   4,410 
14. J7-8278  Inquiry based learning of current research topics and identification of gifted students  5/1/2017 - 4/30/2020  PhD Mojca Čepič   3,664 
15. V5-1701  A stimulating learning environment for motivated learning and quality knowledge  4/1/2018 - 3/31/2020  PhD Alenka Gril   1,144 
16. J5-7481  Neoliberalism in the European Higher Education Area: Between the Efficiency and Equity of Slovenian Education Policies and Practices  1/1/2016 - 12/31/2018  PhD Zdenko Kodelja   2,543 
17. V6-1647  Language Policy of the Republic of Slovenia and the Needs of Users  10/1/2016 - 9/30/2017  PhD Kozma Ahačič   15,386 
18. V5-1507  Nursing as a scientific discipline in Slovenia: An internationally comparable secondary and tertiary education system in nursing care as the foundation of research and scientific contribution to the sustainable development of society.  10/1/2015 - 9/30/2017  PhD Brigita Skela Savič   4,932 
19. Z5-5549  Development of guidelines for aggression reduction on school level based on an anxiety-aggression model and trend analysis of anxiety and aggression in Slovenian primary schools from year 2007 to year 2011  8/1/2013 - 7/31/2015  PhD Ana Kozina   387 
20. J6-4015  Anthropological aspects of informally acquisition of knowledge  7/1/2011 - 6/30/2014  PhD Igor Žagar Žnidaršič   3,992 
21. J5-4281  »RAZKORAK« Longitudinal study in competence potential of university graduates and a gap between graduates' competences and labour market requirements in technology, education and health  7/1/2011 - 6/30/2014  PhD Andreja Istenič   8,103 
22. J6-4257  The role of women's migrations and migrants in the construction of the Slovene national identity from national to postnational era: comparative Slovenian, European, and global aspects  7/1/2011 - 6/30/2014  PhD Ksenija Vidmar Horvat   3,354 
23. V5-1027  Odnos do znanja v družbi znanja (Slovene)  1/1/2010 - 9/30/2012  PhD Alenka Gril   3,496 
25. L5-0327  Factors of lifelong learning of science and choosing a science related career, at the national and internatonal level from the NPZ (national assessment), PISA and TIMSS databases  2/1/2008 - 1/30/2011  PhD Mojca Štraus   2,481 
26. J6-0906  The construction, development and use of the concept of "Europe" in Slovenian media from 1954 to present  2/1/2008 - 1/30/2011  PhD Igor Žagar Žnidaršič   1,897 
27. V5-0243  Analiza nasilnega vedenja (pogostost, oblike in razvojni trendi) v slovenskem šolskem prostoru od leta 1991 dalje s poudarkom na mednarodnih primerjavah (Slovene)  10/1/2006 - 9/30/2008  PhD Zoran Pavlović   620 
28. L5-7358  International studies of students' knowledge: Explaning the Slovene students' lagging behind the students from best achieving countries  9/1/2005 - 8/31/2008  PhD Janez Justin   3,138 
29. L5-6378  Cross-cultural Study on the Rights of the Child - Slovenia 2005  7/1/2004 - 6/30/2007  PhD Zoran Pavlović   1,944 
30. J5-6435  Education and constructions of critical literacy: perception, argumentation, interpretation  7/1/2004 - 6/30/2007  PhD Igor Žagar Žnidaršič   2,956 
31. V5-0828  Analiza šolskih dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na razvoj bralne pismenosti (Slovene)  10/1/2003 - 9/30/2006  MSc Marjeta Doupona   651 
32. V5-0657  SITES modul 3: mednarodna primerjalna analiza znanja in spretnosti uporabe informacijskih in komunikacijskih tehnologij v šoli (Slovene)  10/1/2002 - 9/30/2006  Barbara Japelj Pavešič   326 
33. V5-0955  Spodbujanje prostovoljnega dela z mladimi (Slovene)  9/1/2004 - 3/31/2006  PhD Matej Tušak   3,303 
34. V5-0825  Enake možnosti v sistemu vzgoje in izobraževanja v Sloveniji: teorije in politike zagotavljanja enakih izobraževalnih možnosti (Slovene)  10/1/2003 - 3/31/2006  PhD Mitja Sardoč   1,616 
35. V5-0656  Metodološka priprava mednarodno primerljivih kazalnikov spremljanja razvoja vzgoje in izobraževanja v RS (Slovene)  10/1/2002 - 3/31/2006  PhD Mojca Štraus   1,331 
36. V5-0564  Spremljanje in primerjava ključnih elementov, ki določajo učinkovitost in kakovost naravoslovnega in matematičnega izobraževanja (Slovene)  11/1/2001 - 10/31/2005  Barbara Japelj Pavešič   1,102 
37. V5-0835  Izzivi naravoslovno-tehničnega izobraževanja (Slovene)  10/1/2003 - 9/30/2005  PhD Sergij Gabršček   1,147 
38. V5-0824  'Šola za deklice': kurikularne spremembe in enakost v izobraževanju (Slovene)  10/1/2003 - 9/30/2005  PhD Valerija Vendramin   1,231 
39. V5-0661  Pogoji za razvoj bralne pismenosti (Slovene)  10/1/2002 - 9/30/2005  PhD Meta Grosman   2,155 
40. V5-0659  Zagotavljanje enakih možnosti za izobraževanje romskih otrok (Slovene)  10/1/2002 - 9/30/2005  PhD Tatjana Vonta   1,207 
41. J5-3322  Contemporary approaches to motivation and competition in self-concept models:cross-cultural study  7/1/2001 - 6/30/2005  PhD Darja Kobal Grum   1,577 
42. V5-0658  Modeli inkluzivnega izobraževanja: koncepti, politike in strategije obravnave otrok s posebnimi potrebami (Slovene)  10/1/2002 - 3/31/2005  PhD Stanislav Košir   1,715 
43. V5-0554  Analiza pogojev za razvoj razumevanja pripovedovalnih in razlagalnih besedil (Slovene)  11/1/2001 - 10/31/2004  MSc Marjeta Doupona   800 
44. V5-0558  Argumentiranost kot model razumevanja in obvladovanja uspešne komunikacije v šoli (in izven nje) (Slovene)  11/1/2001 - 10/31/2004  PhD Igor Žagar Žnidaršič   1,261 
45. V5-0565  Mednarodna primerjalna analiza uporabe informacijskih tehnologij v šoli (Slovene)  11/1/2001 - 10/31/2004  PhD Mojca Štraus   581 
46. V5-0559  Temeljni (sistemski, pravni, pedagoški in kulturni) dejavniki avtonomije šol v slovenskih šolah (Slovene)  11/1/2001 - 10/31/2004  PhD Darko Štrajn   3,576 
47. V5-0560  Učinki organizacije pouka na socialno spoznavni razvoj mladostnikov (Slovene)  11/1/2001 - 10/31/2004  PhD Alenka Gril   1,349 
48. V5-0551  Vključevanje stališč in vrednot v vzgojnoizobraževalni proces s posebnim poudarkom na poučevanju človekovih pravic (Slovene)  11/1/2001 - 10/31/2004  PhD Marjan Šimenc   1,731 
49. L5-3328  Civic Education and Values and Attutudes of Students in Slovenia  7/1/2001 - 6/30/2004  PhD Marjan Šimenc   1,490 
50. L5-3344  Timss 2003 trends in international mathematics and science study  7/1/2001 - 6/30/2004  PhD Milena Ivanuš Grmek   3,545 
51. V5-0319  Modeli in učna tehnologija za procesno razvojni pristop pri proučevanju matematike v osnovni šoli (Slovene)  7/1/2000 - 6/30/2003  PhD Lidija Magajna   1,381 
52. V5-0317  Vplivi na učne dosežke slovenskih učencev in povezava dosežkov s socioekonomskimi kazalci (Slovene)  7/1/2000 - 3/31/2003  PhD Mojca Štraus   551 
53. V5-0246  Tretja mednarodna raziskava matematike in naravoslovja IEA TIMSS in druga mednarodna raziskava o informacijski tehnologiji (Slovene)  6/1/1999 - 1/30/2003  Barbara Japelj Pavešič   209 
54. V5-0316  Kakovost slovenskih vrtcev (Slovene)  7/1/2000 - 6/30/2002  PhD Eva Dolar Bahovec   1,233 
55. V5-0320  Kritično mišljenje kot nujna sestavina specialnih didaktik (Slovene)  7/1/2000 - 6/30/2002  PhD Igor Žagar Žnidaršič   1,723 
56. V5-0318  Mednarodno primerjalna analiza poteka učnih ur pri pouku matematike in naravoslovja v 8. razredu osnovne šole (Slovene)  7/1/2000 - 6/30/2002  PhD Janez Justin   971 
57. V5-0332  Ugotavljanje in zagotavljanje predšolske vzgoje v vrtcih (Slovene)  7/1/2000 - 6/30/2002  PhD Ljubica Marjanovič-Umek   1,313 
58. J6-0319  Language and cognition  7/1/1998 - 6/30/2002  PhD Olga Kunst-Gnamuš   403 
59. V5-0260  Pravičnost v izobraževanju (Slovene)  6/1/1999 - 1/30/2002  PhD Zdenko Kodelja   1,036 
60. V5-0253  Razvoj specialnih didaktik in učnih tehnologij za predmete:državljanska vzgoja in etika, retorika, državljanska kultura (Slovene)  6/1/1999 - 1/30/2002  PhD Igor Žagar Žnidaršič   2,151 
61. V5-0261  Socialne interakcije med učenci in prenovljenimi učnimi programi, Analiza učnih vsebin in ciljev v novih učnih načrtih (Slovene)  6/1/1999 - 1/30/2002  PhD Mitja Sardoč   749 
62. L5-1077  Iea predšolski in šolski projekt (slovene)  1/1/1999 - 6/30/2001  PhD Eva Dolar Bahovec   948 
63. L5-1479  Justice in education  1/1/1999 - 6/30/2001  PhD Zdenko Kodelja   1,523 
64. L5-1006  Primerjalna raziskava državljanjskega izobraževanja in vzgoje-CEP (Slovene)  1/1/1999 - 6/30/2001  PhD Darko Štrajn   4,144 
65. L5-1474  Temeljni dejavniki učenja in motivacije za učenje v šoli (Slovene)  1/1/1999 - 6/30/2001  PhD Darja Kobal Grum   2,158 
66. J6-0357  The principle of threefouldness in the tadition of postmodern gnosis  7/1/1998 - 6/30/2001  PhD Ivan Kosovel   164 
67. J3-8752  Napoved incidence raka v Sloveniji do leta 2000 in 2010 (Slovene)  1/1/1997 - 6/30/2001  PhD Vera Pompe-Kirn   1,393 
68. J5-7770  Sodobne psihološke koncepcije učenja in znanja in pomen za poučevanje: interaktivni pristop (Slovene)  1/1/1996 - 6/30/2001  PhD Darja Piciga   1,758 
69. J5-7780  Strukturne determinante vzgoje in izobraževanja v informacijski družbi (Slovene)  1/1/1996 - 6/30/2001  PhD Darko Štrajn   3,268 
70. J6-7696  The Linguistic Pragmatics of Nationalist Ideologies and their Relation to Nation-Building Process in Slovenia  10/1/1997 - 12/31/2000  PhD Igor Žagar Žnidaršič   975 
71. L5-8978  Some Aspects of Information Literacy  7/1/1997 - 6/30/2000  PhD Darja Piciga   1,008 
72. J6-8683  Anthropological researching of political culture and school  1/1/1997 - 12/31/1999  PhD Bogomir Novak   1,350 
73. L5-8946  Applicative project entitled: 'Planning pedagogical.personnel under process of social change” is a continuation of the research in the field of educational personnel planning. It represents a methodological deepening and synthesis of research, that has  1/1/1997 - 12/31/1999  PhD Tanja Šeme   117 
74. L5-8981  Cognitive approach to description and learning of slovene language  1/1/1997 - 12/31/1999  PhD Olga Kunst-Gnamuš   916 
75. L5-9114  Comperative research project on civic education  1/1/1997 - 12/31/1999  PhD Zdenko Kodelja   1,429 
76. L5-8974  Pedagogika družinskega ognjišča;šola za starše (Slovene)  1/1/1997 - 12/31/1998  PhD Angelca Žerovnik   297 
77. L5-7872  Teorija vzgoje in razsvetljenstvo (Slovene)  1/1/1996 - 12/31/1998  PhD Zdenko Kodelja   732 
78. V3-8574  Vzgoja za zdrav način življenja in prenova šolskega sistema v Sloveniji (Slovene)  9/1/1996 - 8/31/1998  PhD Eva Dolar Bahovec   668 
79. L5-7876  Družina in šola v socializacijskih procesih družbe (Slovene)  1/1/1996 - 6/30/1998  PhD Angelca Žerovnik   2,015 
80. L5-7932  Kurikulum temeljnih področij osnovne šole v luči mednarodnih raziskav učinkov izobraževanja (Slovene)  1/1/1996 - 6/30/1998  PhD Darja Piciga   1,170 
81. J6-7194  Gnosticizem postmoderne (Slovene)  1/1/1995 - 6/30/1998  PhD Ivan Kosovel   164 
82. J6-7195  Jezik med komunikacijo in kognicijo - etnometodološki in medkulturni pristop (Slovene)  1/1/1995 - 6/30/1998  PhD Olga Kunst-Gnamuš   192 
ARIS research and infrastructure programmes (13) Legend
no. Code Title Period Responsible person No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1. I0-0030  Infrastructure programme of Educational Research Institute (ERI IP)  1/1/2022 - 12/31/2027  MSc Mojca Čuček   286 
2. P5-0062  Applied developmental psychology  1/1/2020 - 12/31/2027  PhD Maja Zupančič   4,337 
3. P5-0106  Educational Research  1/1/2020 - 12/31/2027  PhD Janja Žmavc   6,262 
4. I0-0030  Zbiranje, vodenje in arhiviranje podatkov v sistemu vzgoje in izobraževanja (Slovene)  1/1/2015 - 12/31/2021  MSc Mojca Čuček   279 
5. P5-0062  Applied developmental psychology  1/1/2015 - 12/31/2019  PhD Maja Zupančič   4,788 
6. P5-0106  Educational Research  1/1/2015 - 12/31/2019  PhD Zdenko Kodelja   5,439 
7. P6-0400  Social contract in the 21st century: historical-sociological, philosophical-ethical and educational aspects  1/1/2015 - 12/31/2019  PhD Ksenija Vidmar Horvat   3,216 
8. P5-0062  Applied developmental psychology  1/1/2009 - 12/31/2014  PhD Maja Zupančič   4,723 
9. P5-0106  Educational Research  1/1/2009 - 12/31/2014  PhD Darko Štrajn   7,984 
10. I0-0030  Infrastrukturni center Pedagoškega inštituta (Slovene)  1/1/2009 - 12/31/2014  MSc Mojca Čuček   115 
11. P5-0062  Applied developmental psychology  1/1/2004 - 12/31/2008  PhD Maja Zupančič   4,604 
12. P5-0106  Educational Research  1/1/2004 - 12/31/2008  PhD Darko Štrajn   7,485 
13. P0-0501-0553  Educational research programme  1/1/1999 - 12/31/2003  PhD Darko Štrajn   7,215 
International projects (9) source: SICRIS
no. Code Title Period Responsible person
1. NOO SPOZNAJ    1/1/2023 - 6/30/2026  PhD Katarina Krapež  
2. DECAP-HE  Designing for increased competence through active participation in higher education DECAP-HE  6/1/2022 - 4/30/2024  PhD Polonca Serrano  
3. LLP-EACEA-550452  Creative Awareness Raising and Empowerment for Employability and Resiliency  1/1/2013 - 12/31/2016   
4. LLP-EACEA-550471  Team cooperation to fight early school leaving (ESL) : training, innovative tools and actions  1/1/2013 - 12/31/2016   
5. LLP-EST-2012-1-ES1-GRU06-53530  citiZENs: friendly citites-cities for all  1/1/2012 - 12/31/2015   
6. LLP-EACEA-535910  EU Classroom ePortfolios  1/1/2012 - 12/31/2015   
7. LLP-EACEA-526706  Together Old and Young: young children and senior citizens learning and developing in intergenerational community spaces  1/1/2012 - 12/31/2015   
8. LLP-EACEA-COMP-COM-142075  Intercompetency and dialogue through literature  1/1/2008 - 12/31/2011   
Mentors for junior researchers (15)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Status
1. 03488  PhD Darja Piciga  Educational studies  Researcher 
2. 04053  PhD Zoran Pavlović  Educational studies  Researcher 
3. 04159  PhD Zdenko Kodelja  Educational studies  Researcher 
4. 04752  PhD France Strmčnik  Educational studies  Researcher 
5. 05605  PhD Ivan Kosovel  Philosophy  Researcher 
6. 05606  PhD Bogomir Novak  Anthropology  Researcher 
7. 05737  PhD Igor Žagar Žnidaršič  Culturology  Researcher 
8. 06620  PhD Olga Kunst-Gnamuš  Linguistics  Researcher 
9. 07123  PhD FRANC PEDIČEK  Educational studies  Researcher 
10. 08403  PhD Eva Dolar Bahovec  Philosophy  Researcher 
11. 09436  PhD Darko Štrajn  Philosophy  Researcher 
12. 09873  PhD Janez Justin  Educational studies  Researcher 
13. 11756  PhD Janez Kolenc  Anthropology  Researcher 
14. 15844  PhD Alenka Gril  Criminology and social work  Researcher 
15. 26529  PhD Eva Klemenčič Mirazchiyski  Educational studies  Researcher 
The Educational Research Institute (ERI) is central Slovenian institution for research in education. Having adopted rigorous standards of scientific research its researchers are engaged in basic as well as applied research in all sectors of education and related areas. Well equipped research teams composed of full-time researchers are capable of carrying out work-intensive projects based on sophisticated methodology. The findings of the research activities carried out in the last two decades have been used by policy makers as well as by critical public. From participation in many international research projects result comparable data on functioning of the Slovenian educational system. Those data are used in national evaluation of the quality of education. The Educational Research Institute has been involved in international projects such as Council of Europe’s Education for Citizenship project, IEA Studies (COMPED, CIVICS, TIMSS, TIMSS-R, SITES, IEA Preprimary Education, Second Language Acquisition, Reading Literacy Study). In recent years the institute has organized numerous international meetings of scientists, educationalists, and students of educational sciences. It has been cooperating with similar academic institutions in other countries, participated in international exchange of educational documentation, provided educational and other institutions with expert advice and organized teacher training activities.
Views history