Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Ethnic and minority studies and the Slovene national question

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
5.11.00  Social sciences  Ethnic studies   

Code Science Field
S000  Social sciences   
H000  Humanities   
Slovene national question - Minority studies: Slovene minorities and Slovenians in the neighboring countries, in the territory of the former Yugoslavia and in the world - Studies of ethnicity, nationalism and borders - Ethnic relations and conflicts - Migrations - Identity - Multiculturalism/interculturalism
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (19)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  19109  PhD Romana Bešter  Political science  Researcher  2004 - 2008 
2.  22628  PhD Sara Brezigar  Political science  Researcher  2004 - 2008 
3.  01965  PhD Boris Jesih  Ethnic studies  Researcher  2004 - 2008 
4.  20195  PhD Damir Josipovič  Geography  Researcher  2007 - 2008 
5.  12426  PhD Marija Jurič Pahor  Culturology  Researcher  2004 - 2008 
6.  24442  PhD Špela Kalčić  Anthropology  Junior researcher  2005 - 2006 
7.  08423  PhD Matjaž Klemenčič  Historiography  Researcher  2004 - 2008 
8.  06605  PhD Vera Klopčič  Culturology  Researcher  2005 - 2008 
9.  07592  PhD Miran Komac  Political science  Researcher  2004 - 2008 
10.  18129  PhD Attila Kovacs  Historiography  Researcher  2004 - 2008 
11.  06164  PhD Samo Kristen  Historiography  Researcher  2004 - 2008 
12.  13082  PhD Vera Kržišnik-Bukić  Historiography  Researcher  2004 - 2008 
13.  15882  PhD Mojca Medvešek  Sociology  Researcher  2005 - 2008 
14.  11852  PhD Katalin Munda-Hirnoek  Ethnology  Researcher  2004 - 2008 
15.  01970  PhD Sonja Novak-Lukanović  Linguistics  Researcher  2004 - 2008 
16.  07655  PhD Irena Šumi  Criminology and social work  Researcher  2004 - 2008 
17.  21670  PhD Marko Zajc  Historiography  Junior researcher  2004 - 2007 
18.  10895  PhD Jernej Zupančič  Humanities  Researcher  2004 - 2008 
19.  05895  PhD Mitja Žagar  Law  Head  2004 - 2008 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0507  Institute for Ethnic Studies  Ljubljana  5051517000 
Research program, based upon documents of the IES, includes the following problem clusters: 1.Slovene national question is a specific traditional multidisciplinary research tradition, approach and topic of the IES (the oldest such institute in Europe). Conceived in the early 20th century, this tradition incorporates the study of ethnic relations in Slovenia and the territory of the historic settlement of Slovenes, research of Slovene minorities and Slovene-speaking populations in the neighbouring and other countries, and other relevant topics, developed within ethnic studies. 2.Minority studies research the origin, perception, managing and protection of the declared cultural repertory and linguistic diversity in contemporary states and societies. Organized multidisciplinary, they study the political and legal perception, defining, coding and managing of (linguistic, cultural repertory, ethnic, sexual, generational, historic, etc.) diversities, transnationalism, multi-/interculturalism, legal protection and participation of minorities, management of diversities, including inventive practices, promotion of minority languages and cultures, etc., but also the topics of "new minorities", and legally and politically perceived or nonperceived immigrants and immigrant groups. 3.Studies of ethnicity, nationalism and boundary issues were at the IES shaped by: historiography; sociology with special sociologies; anthropology, especially European social anthropology; linguistics with specialized branches, particularly sociolinguistics; etc. They represent a theoretical field where the above mentioned problem traditions and delienations are used as materials for analyses, problem evaluations, conceptual and epistemologic generalizations. They are based upon the theoretic postulate that processes of ethnicity (ethnic differentiation) as a type of categorical differentiation between people do not merely take place along the defined boundaries of (various "minorities"), and are not always politically and legally perceived. They comprise: theorizing of social borders; theorizing of legal and political perceptions and normativizations of categoric social differentiations; studies of violence trauma, the generation transfer and social memory; studies of identity; study of ideation and ideologization of the national/ethnic; studies of nation-formation; theoretic aspects of (legal) minority protection; study of migrations and mobility; study of regionalism (including relations between centre and periphery); study of divided societies, migrations and mobility; special aspects of international relations, etc. 4.Ethnic relations and conflicts (involving human rights, geography, international relations, political science, law, psychology, sociology, administrative sciences, security and defence studies, history, etc.) - focusing on the management and regulation of ethnic relations and prevention, early detection, management and/or resolution of conflicts - as an interdisciplinary field also includes the study of topics as: managing of diversity, implementation of human/minority rights, implementation of multi-/interculturalism, promotion of minority or lesser used languages and cultures, prevention of xenophobia and discrimination, integration of marginal groups and migrants, etc. The IES has gained esteem through its study of ethnic relations in SE Europe, and the management of ethnic relations in "post-conflict societies". In the context of European integrations, also these topics and aims can be mentioned: relations between the perceived "ethnically" diverse groups in the RS, the border territories, and territories of languages in contact; language behaviour and repertories; legal protection, policy, status and situation of minority communities in the RS, and Slovene-speaking/declared in the neighbouring countries, the successor states of the SFRY, and worldwide; territorial and demographic aspects of the territory; migrations;
Significance for science
Migration and ethnic studies (studies of ethnicity) are research and scientific fields that began developing in the first decades of the 20th century, when also the Minority Institute (precedent of the IES) was established. They expanded and consolidated in the second half of the century, while their dynamic development continues to the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century. They evolved and developed into multi- and interdisciplinary studies that utilize (in various combinations) diverse methodological and theoretical (disciplinary, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary) approaches and apparatus. Minority and ethnic studies became an important factor of the production of knowledge that has both theoretical and applicative potentials. Such approaches have proved adequate for the study of complex and interdependent phenomena, while their research and scholarly production contributed to the development and revision of certain disciplinary approaches. Phenomena, processes and concepts determined as being (inter)ethnic (i.e., based on ethnic differentiation), social, political and legal perception of these phenomena and diversities, demand for inventive social and normative practices; new democratic institutions and organization at sub-national, national and international levels, various undemocratic and discriminatory practices, including xenophobia and racism, as well as their prevention, problems of their (early) detection, diversity management and the prevention, management and resolution of crises and conflicts, etc. are important current research topics that complement traditional ones, such as ethnic structure and relations in certain environments, legal status, protection and actual situation of minorities, international minority protection, languages in contact, pluri-linguistic practices and linguistic competencies, etc. All these topics were studied by the research program and its members, thereby contributing to the development of minority and ethnic studies as well as to the better understanding of the listed phenomena. Case studies of Slovenia, its neighboring countries as well as the South-Eastern European countries, comparative studies and theory development, but especially the European integration and the EU enlargement are key components of the research program’s scholarly production and its contribution to the knowledge about the ethnic. In addition to their research work and publishing, the members of the program pay special attention to the promotion of the produced knowledge, its transfer into educational programs and social practices, but also to public advocacy. In this context they act as qualified experts for various state and private institutions. However, possibly the most important is the inclusion of the program into international cooperation and projects in research and higher education. Besides the research team and its research potential, the IES and its research program can also supply the international partners with documentation, archives, library and a number of relevant data bases, which are particularly relevant for the study of ethnic issues, crises and conflicts in South-Eastern Europe. In addition to the research and higher education partner institutions, special attention is paid – especially in the context of the transfer of knowledge into the social practices – to the cooperation with various national institutions (e.g., parliament and government with their bodies) and international organizations (e.g., Council of Europe, OSCE – particularly the High Commissioner on National Minorities, etc.). For this practical work the results of the previous and ongoing research as well as the adequate (primary) data bases are the necessary (pre)condition.
Significance for the country
The results and scientific production of the research program are important for the human resources development that is a key factor of sustainable development in plural post-industrial information societies. Such paradigms are based on the notion of the successful preservation, management and development of diversity (including cultural, linguistic, ethnic, etc. plurality and/or diversities) utilizing optimally the existing human potentials and resources as well as all local and other resources that include space and communication capabilities in that environment. People – with their knowledge, skills, energy, ambitions, needs and interests, interpersonal and inter-group relations that might have also their conflict potentials – are key factors of development as well as all other social processes in a certain environment; ethnic diversification and relations are important dimensions and components of its social fabric. Diversity management in the context of democratic political paradigms should be considered a central task of plural societies, considering also conflict potential that exist in such diverse environments. Studying diversity, diversification and ethnic relations can contribute to a better policies, planning and regulation of diversity, better protection and position of minorities as well as to the promotion of multiculturalism and interculturalism, increased mobility, the improvement of economic zones and potentials, including potentials of peripheries; research should contribute also to more rational and optimal utilization of human, spatial and other resources. In this context, the cooperation with national institutions, such as the Parliament, government and their working bodies, public administration, local government and public/private institutions is essential and can help in early detection of escalating crises and conflicts and in successful diversity management by taking into account constantly changing conditions. Research results are directly applicable for the formulation of ethnic, minority, migration and integration policies that can contribute to better ethnic relations and, consequently, to the better quality of life, which is an important material and psychological condition of optimal living conditions and better efficiency. European integrations, the changing nature of internal EU borders as well as the EU external borders, free market and competition, including free flow of people, goods and capital, communication and increased mobility (migrations) demand a firm and clear political and legal-normative platform that builds upon multiculturalism and interculturalism, which are based on human rights, prohibition of discrimination, and adequate integration policies and minority protection. The research program attempts to develop also applicative solutions that take into account specific situations, needs and interests of the population of Slovenia and Slovenian speaking individuals and communities outside its borders. These solutions require democratic civic education and constant fight against racism, xenophobia and ethnic exclusivism. Such civic education and policies are based on and promote human rights in general as well as minority rights in particular. Research results can prove useful: for the realization of political goals of Slovenia and the EU that include the preservation and development of diverse individual and collective identities, particularly national identities and the Slovene national identity, preservation of natural and historic heritage, Slovene language and culture, compatibility and competitiveness, functional links, quality and accessibility of diverse services at all levels that should result in the balanced and self-sustainable development.
Most important scientific results Final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Final report, complete report on dLib.si
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