Projects / Programmes source: ARIS


Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
4.03.00  Biotechnical sciences  Plant production   

Code Science Field
B390  Biomedical sciences  Phytotechny, horticulture, crop protection, phytopathology 
carbohydrates, organic acids, phenols, auxins, chlorophyll, photosynthesis, diseases, resistance, stress, foliar nutrition, tree architecture, corn, breeding, fruit growing, viticulture, vegetable plant growing, phytomedicine, agricultural technic
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (24)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  04124  PhD Rajko Bernik  Plant production  Researcher  2004 - 2008 
2.  17773  Aleksander Bobnar    Technical associate  2004 - 2008 
3.  00357  PhD Franci Aco Celar  Plant production  Researcher  2004 - 2008 
4.  23495  PhD Mateja Colarič Bajc  Biotechnical sciences  Junior researcher  2004 - 2007 
5.  20161  PhD Jernej Demšar  Plant production  Researcher  2004 
6.  14033  PhD Metka Hudina  Plant production  Researcher  2004 - 2008 
7.  25505  PhD Jerneja Jakopič  Plant production  Junior researcher  2006 - 2008 
8.  13010  PhD Nina Kacjan Maršić  Plant production  Researcher  2004 - 2008 
9.  03160  PhD Zora Korošec-Koruza  Plant production  Researcher  2004 - 2008 
10.  23631  PhD Maja Mikulič Petkovšek  Plant production  Junior researcher  2006 - 2008 
11.  00951  PhD Lea Milevoj  Plant production  Researcher  2004 - 2008 
12.  14541  PhD Gregor Osterc  Plant production  Researcher  2004 - 2008 
13.  05964  PhD Jože Osvald  Plant production  Researcher  2004 - 2008 
14.  17771  Dragutin Plasajec    Technical associate  2004 - 2008 
15.  20496  Tomaž Pliberšek    Technical associate  2004 - 2008 
16.  04578  PhD Ludvik Rozman  Plant production  Researcher  2004 - 2008 
17.  20686  PhD Denis Rusjan  Plant production  Researcher  2004 - 2008 
18.  07552  PhD Anita Solar  Plant production  Researcher  2004 - 2008 
19.  06404  PhD Franci Štampar  Plant production  Head  2004 - 2008 
20.  22464  PhD Mateja Štefančič  Plant production  Researcher  2004 - 2008 
21.  16042  PhD Karla Šturm  Plant production  Researcher  2004 - 2008 
22.  17763  PhD Stanislav Trdan  Biotechnical sciences  Researcher  2004 - 2008 
23.  11759  PhD Valentina Usenik  Plant production  Researcher  2004 - 2008 
24.  20165  PhD Robert Veberič  Plant production  Researcher  2004 - 2008 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0481  University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty  Ljubljana  1626914  11 
The implementation of sustainable development in agriculture demands new knowledge on the growth and development of plants as the use of numerous "additives" is limited (fertilizers, pesticides, phyto-regulators ...). In order for us to produce health food, the knowledge on physiological processes of growth and development of a certain species or cultivar is necessary, as well as the use of appropriate technologies in certain pedo-climatic conditions. At Fruit Growing we will study natural development of fruit trees (tree architecture) of various species (walnut, apple, pear). The analyses will then form the basis for further investigations (research into primary and secondary metabolites, and the state of hormones in the trees). In apple we will study the impact of minerals on stress - photosynthesis, transpiration, stomatal conductivity, the synthesis of primary metabolites. Adding to this, we will evaluate the inner quality of fruits of various fruit tree species and find out how the quality varies with regard to different environmental conditions and technological measures applied. With the analysis of synthesized phenolic substances in leaves and fruits of apple we will look into the resistance mechanisms against apple scab and establish anti- oxidative potential of certain cultivars. In cherry the impact of rootstocks on vigour, bearing potential, and metabolism of minerals will be studied. Further, we will determine the role of auxins in the formation of roots of woody plant cuttings and the importance of auxins for the growth and development of walnut and apple when a certain growing method is used. At Viticulture we will perform research into enzymatic activities, resistance mechanisms against stress conditions, and the adaptation potential of vine with its sanitary status. Taking into consideration the limits in the grape production set by the "vine- land- technology" complex, we will try to put down the basis for the concept of terroir in viticulture in Slovenia. At Vegetable Plant Growing we will investigate the absorption and distribution of nutrients in the cycle "vegetable plant- soil- environment" where the highest attention will be paid to the quality of final products (anti-oxidizing substances). We will establish possibilities for the production of functional vegetable with the addition of selenium (bean, potato, corn salad). Additionally, we will try to cultivate selected vegetable plants in- season and out- of- season in control conditions. At Plant Protection we will research into the possibilities for combating fire blight (Erwinia amylovora) without using antibiotics. In the experiment we will use proheksadion-Ca and retardants. The efficiency of SAR (systemic induced resistance) induced with the agents prepared on Al-fosetil and acibenzolar-S-metil (Bion) will also be studied. We will try to evaluate their effectiveness, side effects they may cause, and the impact on the accumulation of anti- microbial substances (phenolic compounds). At Mechanization we will determine the force with which the fruit is fixed to the shoot, and may vary depending on the species, cultivar, rootstock, soil properties (soil type, fertilization, irrigation), growing method, phenophasis, and maturity. The mechanic properties of fruits will be determined in order to improve the harvesting method, transportation and storage. We will examine the resistance of the genetic material of corn (population and line) against the most important diseases (Fusarium spp., Exserohilum turcicum). This wil be carriedd out with artificial infection of corn in natural conditions. The resistant genotypes will be used in further breeding processes.
Significance for science
Over the past years sustainable development presents a new approach in an expedient use of natural resources at various fields. The word 'sustainable' has frequently been wrongly used also in the wide field of agronomy only to avoid confrontance with existing problems. In order to incorporate sustainable development into the production process new knowledge must be acquired. The purpose of our horticultural research has therefore been to gain new learnings on growth and development of fruit plants, grapevine and vegetables of existing genotipes, with regard to different technological approaches and ecological factors. A special importance has been assigned to the study of the products of primary and secondary metabolism. The results have been published in 20 articles in the Journals of the 1. quartill. Some of our publications, mainly on wallnut, apple, plum and some alternative fruit species are revolutionary on their field worldwide. New research approaches have been made and laboratorical methods tried out and supplemented. Additional analitical methods required knowledge on newly acquired equipments, which made it possible to further fortify and deepen the level of our research. Our results already show international response. Citats of the year 2008 indicate that the response will be even greater in the next years as the nature of our research s such that citations always follow with some delay. Namely, of our researh is aplicable in vaious fields such as genetic breeding, biotechnology, ecology, physiology, biochemistry, production technology. In the past few years, ideas of joined projects and the exchange of various research data, are an evident index of such cooperation.
Significance for the country
The acquired results present an important contribution for further research on the field of Horticulture. According to the worldwide trends in agronomy, horticulture is among the most thriving disciplines as it produces goods important for a healthy lifestyle. Moreover, it creats a pleasent human environment. Therefore, this field will be prosperous also in Slovenia. Our results can present an important contribution to the positive trend. The results of our research have previously been applied in the pedagogical process at graduate and post-graduate studies and in the following years, international study programme will be set. Beside the scientific significance, most of our results also bear aplicative value. Consequently, some of them have already been employed for the research on new, ecologically less demanding and more acceptable technological measures in fruit production (scientific monography Fruit Growing 2005 - 2. edition in 2009), vegetable and grapewine growing. Simultaneously, the results have been aplicable also as a source of information to users of the hortcultural products in order to advise them on the beneficial effects of secondary metabolites. Their antioxidative potential is important for reducing the risk of varius modern-time deseases such as diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disorder. The scientific community in fields of fruit growing, grapevine production and vegetable growing has been regularly informed of our results in many scientific meetings and thus directly implied in practice.
Most important scientific results Final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Final report, complete report on dLib.si
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