PhD Franci Aco Celar

PhD Franci Aco Celar
no.: 00357 source: ARIS

researcher – active in research organisation
Foreign language skills
Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
4.03.05  Biotechnical sciences  Plant production  Phytomedicine 
phytomedicine, phytopathology, biological control, mycology, soil fungi
Data for the last 5 years (citations for the last 10 years) on September 27, 2024; A3 for period 2018-2022 (update for tender in 2023: YES)
Data for ARIS tenders ( 21.05.2024 – Target research programmes, archive )
Database Linked records Citations Pure citations Average pure citations
WoS 18  204  189  10.5 
Scopus 23  289  276  12 
Mentoring junior researchers
source: ARIS
no. Name and surname Type Period Code
1 MSc Eva Fabjančič  Doctoral degree  11/1/1998 - 8/31/2002  19183 
source: ARIS
Level of education Professional title Study subject Faculty Year
Bachelor's degree  B. Sc.   Field crops  SI University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Agronomy 1987 
Master's degree    Phytomedicine  SI University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Agronomy 1993 
Doctoral degree  Ph. D.   Agriculture  SI University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Agronomy 2000 
Doctoral dissertations and other final papers Show
Obtaining results now
source: COBISS
source: ARIS
Type of employment Research org. Research group Date of employment Position Role Title
Full time employment (110%, RD:27%)  University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty  Project Team for Phytomedicine  11/16/1987  Professor  Researcher  Full professor 
Research projects Legend
source: ARIS
no. Code Title Period Head No. of publications
1. V4-1403  EMERGING TOXIC SUBSTANCES IN THE SLOVENIAN FEED   2014 - 2017  PhD Breda Jakovac Strajn  3,598 
2. V4-1104  Optimization and implementation of methods and measures for reducing the damage caused by larvae of common cockchafer in Slovenia   2011 - 2014  PhD Stanislav Trdan  4,136 
3. V4-1101  Investigation on the infection/contamination of cereals, products derived from cereals and silage with moulds and mycotoxins and measures for their reduction   2011 - 2014  PhD Gabrijela Tavčar Kalcher  3,321 
4. V4-1067  Razvoj alternativnih načinov zatiranja rastlinskih škodljivcev s poudarkom na njihovi uporabnosti v Sloveniji (Slovene)   2010 - 2012  PhD Stanislav Trdan  6,834 
5. L4-7111  Root pathogenic Cylindrocarpon species of Vitis vinifera in Slovenia        2005 - 2008  PhD Hans-Josef Schroers  1,087 
6. V4-0994  Strategija soobstoja gensko spremenjenih poljščin s konvencionalnim in ekološkim kmetovanjem in podlage za vzpostavitev registra genskih virov (Slovene)   2005  PhD Jana Žel  2,002 
7. V4-0459  Razvoj identifikacijskih metod in strategij IPM varstva rastlin (Slovene)   2002 - 2005  PhD Lea Milevoj  2,105 
8. L4-3179  Interakcijski odnosi med organizmi v različnih pridelovalnih sistemih (Slovene)   2002 - 2004  PhD Franci Aco Celar  2,871 
9. V4-0416  Preizkušanje odpornosti priporočenih kultivarjev koruze za Slovenijo na koruzne bolezni z umetnim okuževanjem (Slovene)   2001 - 2003  PhD Ludvik Rozman  1,286 
10. V4-0396  Razvoj in testiranje alternativnih metod v biotičnem varstvu rastlin (Slovene)   2000 - 2003  PhD Lea Milevoj  2,105 
11. V1-0485  Ocena sprejemljivosti potencialno škodljivih vplivov pri sproščanju Bt koruze v okolje (Slovene)   2002  PhD Ludvik Rozman  1,286 
12. V4-0284  Izgradnja poenotenega sistema za spremljanje in analizo škodljivih organizmov v kmetijstvu (Slovene)   2000 - 2001  PhD Gregor Urek  4,275 
13. V4-0281  Nove tehnologije varstva rastlin in njihov vpliv na agrarne ekosisteme (Slovene)   2000 - 2001  PhD Lea Milevoj  2,104 
14. L4-1457  Karakterizacija populacijske in medpopulacijske variabilnosti na primerih gospodarsko pomembnih organizmov (Slovene)   1999 - 2001  PhD Lea Milevoj  1,249 
15. J4-8615  Investigation of photooxidant impact on chosen indicator species   1999  PhD Franc Batič  2,509 
16. J4-8624  Tolerance of domestic maize gene material to some pathogens   1998 - 1999  PhD Ludvik Rozman  2,113 
17. L4-8795  Developing a model of interactive multimedia information system   1997 - 1999  PhD Lea Milevoj  2,931 
18. V4-9133  Karta geografske razprostranjenosti fitopatogenih in fitofagnih organizmov v Sloveniji (Slovene)   1998 - 1999  PhD Gregor Urek  4,778 
19. V4-6939  Specifični problemi varstva rastlin v kmetijski pridelavi Slovenije (Slovene)   1995 - 1998  PhD Jože Maček  3,733 
20. J4-7060  Integrirana fitomedicina v Sloveniji II. (Slovene)   1995 - 1998  PhD Jože Maček  4,613 
ARIS research and infrastructure programmes Legend
source: ARIS
no. Code Title Period Head No. of publications
1. P4-0092  Animal health, environment and food safety   2020 - 2024  PhD Urška Kuhar  7,750 
2. P4-0092  Animal health, environment and food safety   2015 - 2019  PhD Matjaž Ocepek  11,047 
3. P4-0013  Horticulture   2009 - 2014  PhD Franci Štampar  7,384 
4. P4-0013  Horticulture   2004 - 2008  PhD Franci Štampar  6,873 
5. P0-0512-0481  Integrated agronomy   2002 - 2003  PhD Anton Tajnšek  4,941 
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