Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Sustainable planning for the quality living space

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
5.12.00  Social sciences  Architecture and Design   
5.08.00  Social sciences  Urbanism   

Code Science Field
T240  Technological sciences  Architecture, interior design 

Code Science Field
6.04  Humanities  Arts (arts, history of arts, performing arts, music) 
5.07  Social Sciences  Social and economic geography 
architecture, architectural theory, local identity, cultural heritage, sacral architecture, urbanism, public spaces, sustainable design, smart cities, energy-efficient building, earthquake resistance, architectural education, presentation techniques, dialogue methods
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Data for the last 5 years (citations for the last 10 years) on June 28, 2024; A3 for period 2018-2022
Data for ARIS tenders ( 04.04.2019 – Programme tender , archive )
Database Linked records Citations Pure citations Average pure citations
WoS  138  895  780  5.65 
Scopus  173  1,177  1,030  5.95 
Researchers (15)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  00997  PhD Lucija Ažman-Momirski  Urbanism  Researcher  2018 - 2024 
2.  18507  PhD Petra Čeferin  Architecture and Design  Researcher  2018 - 2024 
3.  13345  PhD Leon Debevec  Architecture and Design  Researcher  2018 - 2024 
4.  13183  PhD Alenka Fikfak  Urbanism  Researcher  2018 - 2024 
5.  26562  PhD Matevž Juvančič  Urbanism  Researcher  2018 - 2024 
6.  10121  PhD Vojko Kilar  Architecture and Design  Head  2018 - 2024 
7.  28583  PhD David Koren  Architecture and Design  Researcher  2018 - 2024 
8.  53515  PhD Kristijan Lavtižar  Urbanism  Junior researcher  2019 - 2024 
9.  30757  PhD Simon Petrovčič  Architecture and Design  Researcher  2018 - 2024 
10.  56854  Petra Prašnikar  Architecture and Design  Junior researcher  2022 - 2024 
11.  39203  Katarina Rus  Architecture and Design  Junior researcher  2018 - 2024 
12.  54788  Martin Valinger Sluga  Urbanism  Junior researcher  2020 - 2024 
13.  29390  PhD Špela Verovšek  Urbanism  Researcher  2018 - 2024 
14.  11310  PhD Martina Zbašnik-Senegačnik  Architecture and Design  Researcher  2018 - 2024 
15.  12101  PhD Tadeja Zupančič  Architecture and Design  Researcher  2018 - 2024 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0791  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture  Ljubljana  1626949 
The proposal for the continuation of the program complements the existing content with new guidelines and policies of the EU, as well as builds on past research work. The proposal is focused on the research topics that follow the Slovenian action plans and research objectives, as well as the directives and policies of the evolving EU. Attention is given to research into the relationship between the creative practice of architecture and users, sustainable urban planning and development policies for the protection and planning of cultural landscapes. The technological part of the program is focused on the development of low-energy and passive houses, where we will pursue national objectives set out in the Action Plan of RS for Energy Efficiency for the period 2014-2020, which brings the obligation to annually renovate 3% of the total floor area of all buildings of the close public sector in such a way that minimum energy performance requirements under Directive 2010/31 / EU are met. In this segment the program is focused on research related to energy renovation of buildings, optimization of energy use in the life cycle of buildings, research on environmental and economic optimums and impact of façade on energy consumption in local and wider context. A special part of the research will be focused on the possibility of increasing the seismic safety of a building alongside energy renovation, as that would mean achieving multiple. We plan to review seismic safety measures and determine their suitability for implementation together with energy renovation measures. The purpose of the research is also to examine which urban systems better respond to the occurrence of a natural disaster and what measures need to be applied for the urban system to remain sustainable in the event of natural disasters, or rather so that the time to restore to the original condition would be as short as possible. We propose four research areas: A) The development of modern theoretical concepts of architecture and urbanism B) Research related to the use of new technologies C) Research related to the assessment of the resilience of the urban system to natural disasters D) Research methods of dialogue and education on sustainable spatial development The objectives that the research program seeks to achieve in the theoretical field are primarily familiarization with new specifics of architectural space in Slovenia; development of a critical attitude to natural and cultural heritage and development of modern concepts of rationality, security and recognisability of the area. In the technological field, the program aims at developing guidance for simultaneous energy and seismic renovation of buildings and architectural development of technologies and measures to lower energy consumption in buildings. In the field of dialogue and education, the program aims in particular at the development of inter-disciplinary and inter-generational dialogue and learning about sustainable spatial development.
Significance for science
The importance and relevance of the proposed programme’s results lies in the specific capacity of the Slovenian territory in a period of reestablishment of the economic baseline to provide preliminary research and a methodological examination, as well as to offer basic and applicative solutions to the extremely complex issues of protection, management and development of residential environment. The accelerating urbanisation and the rapid changes that burden the environment represent a challenge and an opportunity for innovation towards a more rational use of space, materials and energy, while at the same time increasing the comfort and quality of life. In the international environment, the results establish a bridge of scientific method between different regions of Europe, facilitated by the broad scope of the programme and its research. The complementary and international nature of the research is evident both in the requisite interdisciplinarity and in the starting point of the research topics, which pursue the national and European guidelines for research and technological development and seek solutions to future social challenges. In terms of content, it refers to important European and national master documents[1],[2],[3], which outline the projected evolution of the geopolitical, socio-economic and spatial development in Slovenia. The research program is pursuing the guidelines and is contributing to the set objectives of European strategic documents in several fields. It pertains to following the objectives of European energy efficiency, reducing greenhouse emissions and using alternative energy resources. (The climate energy package for 20-20-20[4]). It is relevant and coherent within the framework of the guidelines of smart cities and intelligent solutions supported by ICT in accordance with the Digital Agenda for Europe (DAE[5]). In the field of data processing and data-supported decision making, the proposed research program contributes to the objectives of the directive INSPIRE[6] , as well as to the strategy EU Innovative Union policy[7], especially by encouraging general public and inhabitants to partake in the understanding of urban environments and their potential, and by increasing the response of communities. Establishing the instrument for provision of data on sustainable efficiency and general dynamics of urban spaces to support decision making, makes the program consistent with the objectives and the ambitions of the programme ESPON[8], Smart cities and communities9, IEEE Smart Cities Initiative[9], as well as other EU initiatives (URBACT, CIVITAS, etc.). [1] The resolution on the Research and Innovation Strategy of Slovenia 2011–2020 (ReRIS11-20); by 2020 it envisages “the establishment of a responsive research and innovation system that will be shaped by all the participants and remain open to the world.” It envisages a system in service of society, one that will “respond to citizens’ needs and desires and facilitate solving the impending major social challenges linked to climate change, energy, disaster response management, resource scarcity, quality of life.” [2] The program addresses the priorities of the EU2020 European Union economic growth strategy, such as smart growth. Smart growth involves, among other things, increasing the success of the EU in the areas of research/innovation and development of geospatial entities (creating new products/services to foster economic growth and address social issues). [3] Slovenia’s development strategy for 2013–2020, part of which involves “achieving sustainable development”, we will pursue various development challenges through concrete spatial measures. [4]http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?qid=1399375464230&uri=CELEX%3A32012L0027 [5] Digital Agenda for Europe: http://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/digital-agenda-europe [6] Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community: http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/ALL/?uri=CELE
Significance for the country
The included research in the program that contribute to the objectives of the programme have a considerable potential influence on the social or cultural sphere, particularly in the role of basic and development research that informs spatial legislation and regulations in the specific territory. Numerous applicative research tasks are and will represent a foundation for strategic or realistic decisions about the sustainable development of residential environment in Slovenia. The results of the program can be applied in making and evaluating various policies, from spatial, environmental, infrastructural to socio-economic; strategic town planning and development, development and planning of green systems of cities and towns, mobility systems of cities and regions and as practical guidance for all-inclusive design. Substantial are contributions of the research program also in terms of the impacts of natural disasters on critical infrastructures, disaster risk reduction and societal resilience[1],[2]. Managing risks associated with hazards is based on sound policy making in prevention, preparedness, response, and reconstruction activities (in order to reduce the recovery time and costs). The primary aim of the EU funded research activities is to improve the scientific evidence base for risk assessment in Europe and worldwide, development of guidelines and standards for risk data, and finally, to reach the sufficient level of community resilience. For this purpose the Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) portal was established by the EU Joint Research Centre (JRC)[3]. In Slovenian literature there are few attempts on evaluation of resilience to natural disasters, but they deal with a wider (regional) area[4],[5],[6],[7]. In our study we want to focus on the resilience of selected (limited) urban socio-spatial system (city) considering a combination of mathematical, architectural and urbanistic approaches. The purpose of the research is to make the general and professional public to be aware of the unfavourable consequences of natural disasters for the urban socio-spatial system and its functionality. Knowing the critical points, links and areas of the selected urban system it is possible to take measures for the mitigation of the consequences of natural disasters and thus to achieve a higher level of functionality in a crisis situation. Finally, an important aspect is also the contribution of the programme studies and results to the uniqueness and preservation of Slovenian spatial identity, as well as new, more in-depth knowledge about the specifics of the Slovenian architectural space. New interpretations of the cultural dimensions of sustainable development (as a concept) and the discussion of past and future practices further influence the appreciation of the importance of architectural and cultural heritage within a territory. [1] https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/research-topic/disaster-risk-management [2]https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/event/workshop/protection-critical-infrastructures [3] http://drr.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ [4] Kilar, V., Kušar, D., 2009. Assessment of the earthquake vulnerability of multi-residential buildings in Slovenia = Ocena potresne ogroženosti večstanovanjskih zgradb v Sloveniji. Acta geographica Slovenica = Geografski zbornik. 49 (1), pp 89-118. [5] Mikoš, M., 2015. Od varstva pred naravnimi tveganji do kulture sobivanja z njimi = From defending against natural risks towards coexisting with them. ResearchGate. [electronic source]. Can be accessed at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/287207650_OD_VARSTVA_PRED_NARAVNIMI_TVEGANJI_DO_KULTURE_SOBIVANJA_Z_NJIMI. [20.3.2017]. [6] Government of the Republic of Slovenia. 2015. Državna ocena tveganj za nesreče = National disaster risk assessment. [electronic source]. Can be accessed at: http://www.sos112.si/slo/tdocs/drzavna_ocena_1.pdf. [20.3.2017]. [7] Matko, M., Golobič, M., Kontić, M., 2016. Vključevanje rezultatov ocene tveganja zaradi izrednih vremenskih dogod
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Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Interim report
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