International projects source: SICRIS

citiZENs: friendly citites-cities for all

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0553  Educational Research Institute  Ljubljana  5051614000  7,205 
citiZENs project bases on some lacks perceived by several European professionals, specialised in the fields of inclusion, training and equal opportunities. Those lacks are seen as a consequence of the natural growth and development of cities. Cities (independently from their size), are characterised for their public spaces where socialization, relationships building, cultural exchanges and visible and invisible learning happens all the time. However, the use of these spaces is highly dependant on the resources, knowledge and attitudes of key agents, such as the public authorities, the civil society organisations and the own citizens, that should be aware, understand and promote participative and inclusive use of these spaces to create urban learning spaces.A research made by the promoter during 2009 showed the existing deficit among the mentioned key leading agents in the fields of training and awareness raising for public spaces use, planning and management according to criteria that include variables such as equal opportunities, interculturality, social inclusion, active citizenship, intergenerational coexistence... This deficit was also detected at local and regional level by the consortium members. Although there are also some EU funded innitiatives related to this field, such as Shared-Space project (Interreg IIIB programme) or the European Forum for Urban Security, most of them focus on security and accessibility issues, being the active citizenship promotion missing in the discourse.On this basis, our project is thought as an opportunity to analyse deeper this common problem, debate and exchange experiences, identify good practices, and develop the necessary guidelines for transforming the public spaces inclusive and learning envirnoments for all.
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