International projects source: SICRIS

Intercompetency and dialogue through literature

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0553  Educational Research Institute  Ljubljana  5051614000  7,206 
The modern world is being characterized by dynamic changes, complexity andinterdependence which put on trial our personal skills and require from thecontemporary school education to offer complex and simultaneous solutions forexercising multiple competencies.The IDIal project aims to provide school teachers with support to deal with thechallenges of the modern life by supplying them with creative methodologies, in-servicetraining and teaching materials that develop and improve in learners their transversalkey competencies in a holistic way.The project steps on the literature as main instrument of impact with incontestablepotential. Nevertheless, this project is not about teaching literature. It is about learningand personal development through literature.The project focuses on developing the social and civic competencies of the students byintensifying their personal, interpersonal and intercultural interactions, encouraging theiractive participation in civic life and emphasizing on the values of democracy, justice,equality, citizenship, and civil rights. The cultural awareness and expression isaddressed in a corresponding way through methodology which relies on autonomous,project-based learning that develops also learners’ communicative skills. Through itspedagogic and methodological foundations on constructivist theory of learning andproject-based education IDiaL also encourages the learning to learn abilities of thestudents.The project will produce:• Innovative methodology for fostering transversal competencies in integrative, holisticway through the use of literature;• Teacher Training Course addressed at in-service school teachers in Humanities(history, literature, philosophy, civic education, etc.), as well as at non-pedagogicalschool staff (e.g. advisors, school counsellors, psychologists);• Teacher’s Handbook with a reader, activities, case studies and guidelines forteachers;• Project web-site that will stream the project development and outcomes to the targetusers and the general public.
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