International projects source: SICRIS

Creative Awareness Raising and Empowerment for Employability and Resiliency

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0553  Educational Research Institute  Ljubljana  5051614000  7,206 
Strategy EU 2020 and ET 2020 goals on the one hand and increasing level of youth unemployment in Slovenia on the other hand, challenge Slovenia to exploit all the available resources at the EU and national level to ensure successful transition of youth from education system to the labour market and to combat youth unemployment in an effective, efficient and sustainable way.The project is set to joint together the leading research institutions and public authorities in the education and employment policy fields, which will together with all other relevant stakeholders rethink existing and develop and disseminate new tools for empowering youth people for successful entering on the labour market and maintaining their sustainable employability. Research suggests that early career orientation within schools and students’ resiliency have positive effect on their lifelong employability chances. Within that framework during the different stages of the project the guidelines for successful career orientation within schools and strengthening students’ resiliency will be prepared on the basis of theoretical backgrounds, EU guidelines and good practices and with respect to particularities of Slovenian context. The first proposals will be tested and agreed by the wide range of different stakeholders involved in the project activities in order to ensure policy relevant and practically feasible final guidelines. Additionally, wide variety of dissemination activities will be carried out to raise media and general public attention to the given problem. The expected short term goal of the project is therefore publication of comprehensive guidelines for career orientation within schools. The long term impact of the project is seen in the improvement of competencies and skills of students, which enhance their opportunities on the labour market on the basis of the improved and high quality educational practices, coherent policy strategy and general public awareness about the problem.
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