Groups source: ARIS

Cell Engineering

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
3.01.00  Medical sciences  Microbiology and immunology   
3.03.00  Medical sciences  Neurobiology   

Code Science Field
T490  Technological sciences  Biotechnology 
T110  Technological sciences  Instrumentation technology 
B480  Biomedical sciences  Endocrinology, secreting systems, diabetology 
B640  Biomedical sciences  Neurology, neuropsychology, neurophysiology 
Development of biomedical electrophysiological and optical equipment for monitoring of single cell function, cell hybrid technology
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Data for the last 5 years (citations for the last 10 years) on September 28, 2024; A3 for period 2018-2022
Database Linked records Citations Pure citations Average pure citations
WoS 508  28,260  25,072  49.35 
Scopus 493  30,204  26,923  54.61 
Researchers (18)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Status No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  50628  PhD Katja Fink  Medical sciences  Researcher  30 
2.  18548  PhD Helena Haque Chowdhury  Neurobiology  Researcher  157 
3.  36369  PhD Anemari Horvat  Medical sciences  Researcher  98 
4.  01302  PhD Matjaž Jeras  Biotechnology  Researcher  369 
5.  27585  PhD Jernej Jorgačevski  Medical sciences  Researcher  181 
6.  15666  PhD Marko Kreft  Neurobiology  Researcher  689 
7.  37274  Miha Pate  Neurobiology  Junior expert or technical associate 
8.  27747  PhD Samo Pirnat  Microbiology and immunology  Researcher  18 
9.  21390  PhD Maja Potokar  Medical sciences  Researcher  162 
10.  35940  Primož Runovc    Junior expert or technical associate 
11.  54114  Erika Rus  Neurobiology  Researcher 
12.  15467  PhD Matjaž Stenovec  Medical sciences  Researcher  206 
13.  20214  PhD Nina Vardjan  Neurobiology  Researcher  287 
14.  37641  PhD Alexei Verkhratsky  Neurobiology  Researcher  152 
15.  53430  PhD Gerhard Wiche  Neurobiology  Researcher  21 
16.  31335  Irena Zarnik    Junior expert or technical associate 
17.  03702  PhD Robert Zorec  Neurobiology  Researcher  821 
18.  38244  PhD Tomaž Mark Zorec  Medical sciences  Researcher  41 
Research projects (19) Legend
no. Code Title Period Head of the group No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  J3-9266  Fusion Pore Regulation and Lysosomal Storage Disorders  7/1/2018 - 6/30/2021  PhD Robert Zorec  1,067 
2.  J3-7605  Nanophysiology of exocytosis in health and disease  3/1/2016 - 2/28/2019  PhD Jernej Jorgačevski  1,501 
3.  J3-6790  Dynamic measurements of metabolites and second messengers in single cultured astrocytes  7/1/2014 - 6/30/2017  PhD Robert Zorec  2,234 
4.  J3-6789  Pathogenic mechanism of the C9orf72 expanded hexanucleotide repeat mutation in neurodegeneration  7/1/2014 - 6/30/2017  PhD Boris Rogelj  3,552 
5.  J3-5499  Exosome-associated Nef released from HIV infected cells contributes importantly to the development of neuroAIDS  8/1/2013 - 7/31/2016  PhD Boris Matija Peterlin  4,255 
6.  L4-4318  Carbon dynamics in forest soils and the rhizosphere  7/1/2011 - 6/30/2014  PhD Hojka Kraigher  10,475 
7.  L3-4328  Hipoksična neaktivnost: implikacije za odpoved srca, pljučno insuficienco in prekomerno težo (Slovene)  7/1/2011 - 6/30/2014  PhD Igor Mekjavić  5,888 
8.  J3-4051  The role of small GTPases in the regulation of endosomal/lysosomal transport in astrocytes  7/1/2011 - 6/30/2014  PhD Robert Zorec  3,476 
9.  J3-4026  Transport and RNA binding of TDP-43 and FUS - implications for ALS/FTLD spectrum of neurodegenerative disease  7/1/2011 - 6/30/2014  PhD Boris Rogelj  4,716 
10.  J3-3632  Molecular properties of the fusion pore  5/1/2010 - 4/30/2013  PhD Robert Zorec  1,295 
11.  L3-3654  Zero and reduced gravity simulation: the effect on the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems  5/1/2010 - 4/30/2013  PhD Igor Mekjavić  4,658 
12.  L1-2402  Dendritične celice - prožilke in oblikovalke celičnih imunskih odzivov (Slovene)  5/1/2009 - 4/30/2012  PhD Matjaž Jeras  1,661 
13.  L4-2265  Klimatske spremembe ter vplivi antropogenih motenj na primarno produkcijo v gozdnih tleh (Slovene)  5/1/2009 - 4/30/2012  PhD Hojka Kraigher  5,678 
14.  L7-2393  Vpliv klimatskih sprememb na trajnost, stabilnost in biodiverziteto sestojev bukve in črnega bora na Balkanu (Slovene)  5/1/2009 - 4/30/2012  PhD Jožica Gričar  5,983 
15.  J3-0133  Mobility Regulation of Retrieving Secretory Organelles in Astrocytes  2/1/2008 - 1/30/2011  PhD Robert Zorec  1,791 
16.  Z3-7476  Fiziologija in patofiziologija astrocita (Slovene)  9/1/2005 - 8/31/2007  PhD Robert Zorec  841 
17.  L2-4472  Celični čipi (Slovene)  7/1/2002 - 6/30/2005  PhD Robert Zorec  2,496 
18.  Z3-3510  Elementary exocytotic events in pituitary cells  7/1/2001 - 6/30/2004  PhD Matjaž Stenovec  279 
19.  J3-2344  Kalcij, glutamat in fotoreceptorji (Slovene)  1/1/2000 - 6/30/2002  PhD Marko Kreft  761 
ARIS research and infrastructure programmes (4) Legend
no. Code Title Period Head of the group No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  P3-0310  Cell Physiology  1/1/2015 - 12/31/2021  PhD Robert Zorec  2,811 
2.  I0-0034  Infrastrukturni program Večdimenzijska mikroskopij (Slovene)  1/1/2015 - 12/31/2021  PhD Marko Kreft  689 
3.  P3-0310  Cell Physiology  1/1/2009 - 12/31/2014  PhD Robert Zorec  3,485 
4.  P3-0310  Cell Physiology  1/1/2004 - 12/31/2008  PhD Robert Zorec  1,976 
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