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Mednarodni projekti vir: SICRIS


Organizacije (2)
št. Evidenčna št. Razisk. organizacija Kraj Matična številka Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  1502  Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije  Ljubljana  5866324000  9.996 
2.  2316  Javni zavod Republike Slovenije za varstvo kulturne dediščine  Ljubljana  1423215  3.961 
The multidisciplinary research project will be directed towards the development of innovative environmental friendly materials with value added functions aimed to the protection of immovable Cultural Heritage assets. This project will cross-link an expert Pan-European team from the UK, Italy, Slovenia, Serbia and Russia, including experienced researchers and active participation of industrial partners - SME. The coordinated team work will be focused on the two historical objects located in urban (Serbia) and rural (Slovenia) environment, both having continental climate. The HEROMAT project investigation involves the chain of activities from the synthesis, establishment of the methodology for characterization and testing of novel protective materials through their pilot production and, finally, to the in situ application and monitoring on selected historical buildings, giving also their life cycle assessment. The outputs of this project will be a set of novel materials applicable for the protection of different inorganic mineral substrates providing multiple added functions: consolidation, self-cleaning and anti-microbial effect. The first layer will provide appropriate consolidation of the historical material, while the second layer will serve for its efficient protection. Additionally, the novel materials as a whole will possess good water vapor permeability. The connection between built-in and new materials will be realized through novel photocatalytic nanocomposites, anionic clays (layered double hydroxides) associated to TiO2 and/or other semiconductors. Therefore, the overall goal of the proposed project is the improvement of the physical state as well as the resistance to degradation of the monuments sustaining the functionality and the aesthetic appearance through a long period of time. The HEROMAT project will contribute to an effective, long-lasting solution, keeping the authenticity of the cultural assets and having socio-economic benefits.
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