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Mednarodni projekti vir: SICRIS


Organizacije (1)
št. Evidenčna št. Razisk. organizacija Kraj Matična številka Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  1293  Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje  Ljubljana  5052106000  1.075 
The aim of the Composites-on-Tour project is to confront the general public with the question whether and how science can change their daily life. In this project, composite materials will serve as the example of a recent, research based innovation that has strongly shaped and influenced our environment. The science behind composites will be explained in an attractive and diverse way, and the growing interest of the general public in design and ?life style? will be used as an additional ?entrance gate? to scientific innovations. The project will consist of the following actions: - A combined scientific and design exhibition (on show in 6 European design or science centres in six different European countries of which two new member states: Hungary, Slovenia). - The exhibition will show the results of the International Composites Design Competition that is aiming at awarding the best designed consumer goods made of composites. This will raise questions to the visitors on what composites are, how they can be so light and strong at the same time,?., in other words questions on the science behind composites. - The scientific part of the exhibition will answer these questions, showing how composites are composed and produced. An explicit link will be made to the results of recent EU-research projects on composite materials. - To increase the impact of this travelling exhibition, several accompanying public events will be organised, covered by the press and mass media. A TV show on how designers are inspired by the (science behind) composite materials is planned. - To extend the impact of the project to all the member states, and even more to young people, two more international competitions will be organised: an ?Ideas Competition? and a ?Short Movie Competition?. The results will be on show at the travelling exhibition and on the interactive ?Composites-on-Tour? website.
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