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Mednarodni projekti vir: SICRIS

Mapping and foresight of agricultural and food research capacity in the new member states and in the candidate countries

Organizacije (1)
št. Evidenčna št. Razisk. organizacija Kraj Matična številka Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  1510  Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče Koper  Koper  7187416000  13.773 
Task 6 of the call aims at mapping the European agricultural research capacities. As an exhaustive mapping of the research capacities in the EU-25 would require a considerable effort, this proposal is voluntary focusing on the New Member States and Candidate Countries. This allows to improve the efficiency of the exercise and the quality of the results. Given the structural changes since the early 90's, little is known about the current situation of the research establishments from the Central and Eastern European Countries. This mapping exercise is thus very relevant. The objectives of the project are to provide reports that: 1) Identify the main players in agricultural research; 2) Describe how is organised agricultural and food research in the NMS & CC and what are the current trends in their development; 3) Formulate recommendations on the developments that would be desirable in agricultural research. To reach these objectives, the approach retained is a survey of the research establishments. The major technical objective of the project EU-AGRI MAPPING is to exhaustively screen research centres for all sub sectors of the agricultural and food research in all CC and NMS. An online, dynamic, free access and multilingual database will be elaborated and used as a tool to conduct the surveys. As several projects already included mapping exercises, the overall aim is to create a cluster of projects. The long-term objective is to provide a sustainable, access-free and sector-specific database. The database will allow to identify partners, disseminate specific information and organise future consultations of the research community. Organisations from the 10 NMS and the 4 CCs take part in the project. The project is co-ordinated by Euroquality, co-ordinator of several on-going projects aiming at structuring agricultural research in the CEECs. The SSHA will bring expertise in the agrifood sector. GKI economics will bring expertise in mapping activities...
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