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Mednarodni projekti vir: SICRIS

Cultural heritage protection against Flood

Organizacije (1)
št. Evidenčna št. Razisk. organizacija Kraj Matična številka Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  1502  Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije  Ljubljana  5866324000  9.996 
Flooding is a global phenomenon as recently highlighted by the major catastrophic events in Central and Northern Europe. These catastrophes left hundreds of peoples dead and caused enormous damage leading to high economic losses for the whole community. Eu rope has to face further flood catastrophes due to the change of climate and due to further building activities in flood-prone regions. As one prerequisite to minimize costs for rehabilitation, there is an urgent need for protecting the common European moveable and immoveable Cultural Heritage against flood and other environmental hazards and the threatening conditions resulting from this. These services should include monitoring and supervising of drying and repairs as well as a comprehensive damage assessment. CHEF proposes the integration of multidisciplinary research as scientific support to European policies. In this frame the necessary scientific and technological basis and cost efficient and effective tools for the development of new and innovative strategies will be provided. For avoiding or mitigating flood-related damage of cultural heritage, a multitude of aspects has to be considered, like historic significance and context of the object, building structure and its location in risk areas. But also technical problems like lack of documentation, unspecified structural condition and assembly, unknown material characteristics and parameters of exposure require intense investigations. Objectives: -Classification of moveable and immovable cultural heritag e to their vulnerability to flood -Analysis of damage processes in different materials, structures and sites -Verification of methods and sensors for non-destructive testing and monitoring of material and structural parameters -Definition of threshold lev els for exposure and damage -Analysis of preventive and temporary (emergency) measures -Assessment of restoration and repair techniques -Assessment of case studies -Definition of strategies
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