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Mednarodni projekti vir: SICRIS

Fundamental understanding of cementitious materials for improved chemical physical and aesthetic performance

Organizacije (1)
št. Evidenčna št. Razisk. organizacija Kraj Matična številka Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  1502  Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije  Ljubljana  5866324000  9.996 
Cements and concrete are essential components of the construction environment and, relative to other permanent materials, are environmentally appropriate for the future. Yet improvements can and must be made: the industry has lagged behind others in developing a materials-oriented approach. This proposal will close the gap by developing the relevant base of enabling science and providing pan-European training for the 21st century. In the preparation of this proposal five self-funded forums have been organised. These involved the leading academics and industries of Europe.The RTN project will address the need to undertake high quality pre competitive research, to train a new generation of researchers equipped for interdisciplinary methodologies and prepare the industry to embrace change. Additionally it was accepted that the industry operates internationally and that the scattered academic expertise in Europe should work in a more coordinated manner than hither to in response to these challenges.A MC RTN represents the best way to achieve our goals with an intersectorial grouping of 6 universities, 4 Institutes and 7 Industrial partners, including a SME and an Industrial Association. The research programme is oriented around 3 themes addressing short, medium and long term needs of the field: (1-deterioration of cement matrices 2- Physical and mechanical verification of performance; 3- new and innovative cement based materials) to lay the basis for future technological and scientific breakthroughs. In each theme the aim is to demonstrate the value of a fundamental approach.The training programme of NANOCEM is 75% research-oriented to provide to the network fellows a muldisciplinary approach towards cementitious materials. In addition, social science, environmental, industrial and normalisation issues will be provided through one-week courses each 6 months to enable the fellows to face the new scientific and technological challenges.
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