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Mednarodni projekti vir: SICRIS

Bentonite barriers in integrated performance assessment

Organizacije (1)
št. Evidenčna št. Razisk. organizacija Kraj Matična številka Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  1502  Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije  Ljubljana  5866324000  9.996 
Bentonite barriers are a fundamental component of repositories in granite and clay host rocks. The project will analyse and integrate the numerous developments achieved in the study of these barriers in order to improve their treatment in Integrated Performance Assessment. Current repository concepts will be reviewed and referent cases common to all the participants will be selected for the project. Available information on FEPs will be assessed and processed in order to evaluate the bases for decisions in IPA. Assessment codes at process and integrated level will be analysed and upgraded where necessary. New more advanced calculations at process and integrated level will be carried out, in order to verify model performance and to evaluate the sufficiency of available assessment methods. Sensitivity and optimisation analyses will be performed.The inventarisation of the product design requirements was carried out by means of a questionnaire. On this basis the requirements in the field of marketing, standards, functionality, mass production demands, lifetime and reliability were gathered. Research was carried out in the field of the inverter concept. The optimal topology was chosen, in direct relation with the control concept. The design of the power electronic circuit was finished and has brought a robust design, focussed on reliability and cost reduction. This was accomplished by the integration of control and power conversion functions and the thermal, electric and mechanical optimisation of the design for large-scale production. A first version of a prototype was build and successfully tested.
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