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Mednarodni projekti vir: SICRIS

Conflict prevention through integration: The participation of ethnic minorities in political decision-making processes - The case of Roma in South Eastern Europe

Organizacije (1)
št. Evidenčna št. Razisk. organizacija Kraj Matična številka Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  0507  Inštitut za narodnostna vprašanja  Ljubljana  5051517000  4.280 
The Project 'Conflict prevention through integration: The participation of ethnic minorities in political decision-making processes - The case of Roma in South Eastern Europe' (Acronym: ROMA PARTICIPATION) is an ambitious multidisciplinary research and training project aiming at contributing to a better understanding of current problems of social and political exclusion of Roma and the development of democratic infrastructure which could provide relief. The emphasis of the analysis lies in the field of comparative law. Within the project the actual functioning of legal instruments in several countries of South Eastern Europe will be investigated based on the method of functional analysis of norms. Field studies and on site observations (Roma settlements and communities), study of available statistical data, interviews with relevant individuals and institutions ('key-players'), etc. - using sociological, anthropological and political science methodology - are also part of the project. Emphasis will be laid on communication with Roma and participative integration of them in the project performance.An innovative aspect of the project will be the integration of aspects of e-democracy. In the project the effects of those representation and participation-models will be examined, which are contributing to an integration of Roma and therefore to lasting peace and stability and the avoidance of exclusion and violence. By means of selected regulations in several countries of South Eastern Europe it shall be proved, that a legal guaranteed representation and participation of Roma can contribute to peace between different ethnic communities. The applicant will develop her scientific excellence on these issues and build its respective knowledge base with a concrete view on potentials for future exploitation of this scientific excellence in the field of supporting EU policy development (external relations, social policy, anti-discrimination)
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