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Mednarodni projekti vir: SICRIS

Environmental regulation of mine waters in the european union (ERMITE)

Organizacije (2)
št. Evidenčna št. Razisk. organizacija Kraj Matična številka Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  0210  Inštitut za rudarstvo, geotehnologijo in okolje  Ljubljana  5051576000  4.559 
2.  3255  IRGO Consulting d.o.o.  Ljubljana  1305212  1.448 
Events of the past decade have underlined the sensitivity of many aquatic ecosystems and water resources systems to pollution from mine waste and effluents from active and abandoned mines. The goal of this project is to develop integrated policy guidelines to expedite European legislation and practice in relation to water management in the mining sector.This goal will be achieved by interactively addressing the multiple facets of this problem at two different levels:(i) Integrated analysis of the variety of problems in EU Member States and potential accession states in Eastern Europe.(ii) Integration of insights from disciplines such as law, economics, social policy, engineering and environmental sciences and management. A pan-European multidisciplinary team will work in close connection with end-user departments of the Commission and an extensive network of national and European stakeholders to deliver an integrated set of policy guidelines.
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