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Mednarodni projekti vir: SICRIS

Scaled-up production of next-generation carbohydrate-derived building blocks to enhance the competitiveness of a sustainable European chemicals industry

Raziskovalci (7)
št. Evidenčna št. Ime in priimek Razisk. področje Vloga Obdobje Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  30844  dr. Nataša Čuk  Materiali  Raziskovalec  2024  58 
2.  35867  dr. Martin Ocepek  Kemijsko inženirstvo  Raziskovalec  2024  49 
3.  35141  mag. Tina Razboršek  Kemijsko inženirstvo  Raziskovalec  2024 
4.  58980  Blaž Užmah  Materiali  Raziskovalec  2024 
5.  58968  Nejc Vidmar  Materiali  Raziskovalec  2024 
6.  24723  Joži Zabret  Materiali  Raziskovalec  2024  17 
7.  58969  David Zorko  Materiali  Raziskovalec  2024 
Organizacije (1)
št. Evidenčna št. Razisk. organizacija Kraj Matična številka Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  2113  KANSAI HELIOS Slovenija d.o.o.  Domžale  5043212  370 
The key aim of BIONEER is to broaden the range of biobased building blocks and platform molecules by demonstrating scaled-up synthesis of a range of novel molecules and polymers from lignocellulosic biomass. BIONEER employs chemical and microbial production routes, with products suitable for application in the coatings, packaging and personal care sectors, valorising all biomass fractions in a zero-waste approach. The focus of BIONEER is on the utilisation of low-cost, sustainably sourced, lignocellulosic biomass as feedstock to produce novel platform chemicals for the difficult to decarbonise industrial sectors, such as liquid plastics used in personal care and coatings. The project moves beyond first-generation carbohydrate-derived chemicals, leveraging the (biotechnology, biochemistry, and chemistry) expertise of the consortium to scale-up the production of a novel range of monomeric and polymeric building blocks that allow for important additional functionalities to be conferred to biobased chemicals. BIONEER Building Blocks (BBB) made from sustainably sourced biomass using bio- and chemo-catalysis approaches will replace toxic and non-environmentally friendly fossil-based building blocks. The targeted fossil-based building blocks to be replaced are bisphenol A and its derivatives (for the UV curing coatings market), alkyl acrylates, vinyl pyrrolidine, vinyl acetate, and siloxanes (hair care and skin care market).
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