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Mednarodni projekti vir: SICRIS

Green synthesis of sustainable BIO-sourced multi-functional ingredient for skin CARE applications

Raziskovalci (1)
št. Evidenčna št. Ime in priimek Razisk. področje Vloga Obdobje Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  54956  dr. Oihana Gordobil Goni  Gozdarstvo,  lesarstvo in papirništvo  Vodja  2021 - 2023  44 
Organizacije (1)
št. Evidenčna št. Razisk. organizacija Kraj Matična številka Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  3770  InnoRenew CoE Center odličnosti za raziskave in inovacije na področju obnovljivih materialov in zdravega bivanjskega okolja  Izola  7233817000  2.896 
Nowadays, cosmetics and personal care products are considered essential commodities of our life. However, the growing concern about the environmental impact and human health risk related to the excessive use of chemical ingredients in skin care formulations calls for the exploration of safe and sustainable natural alternatives. The diverse functional and bioactive properties of lignin make it worthwhile to be considered for cosmetic applications. Moreover, lignin is generated as an undervalued by-product from kraft-pulping operations, the most widespread method for pulp manufacture worldwide. The BIO4CARE project tackles challenging concepts with innovative solutions to develop an efficient lignin-based multi-functional ingredient with understood and controlled properties from kraft lignin for skin care formulations. To the best knowledge of the Experienced Researcher (ER), no prior research on using kraft lignin as a multi-functional ingredient to manufacture a novel and bio-based competitive solution for skin photo-protection has been reported. The BIO4CARE project comprises multi-disciplinary tasks and addresses different research areas such as analytical and applied chemistry as well as physics and biology to achieve the specific objectives of the project. The main objectives of the project are production of homogeneous lignin nanoparticles (LNP) by a sustainable and efficient method, optimization and understanding of nanostructure-properties relationships using powerful analytical tools, manufacture of high-quality Pickering emulsions with LNP and assessment of multi-functionality and toxicological profile of LNP. In addition, through MSCA program activities, the ER will gain research and scientific skills and acquire a new set of competences to reach professional maturity and independence after the fellowship by building a solid research and industrial network, organizing events, mentoring young researchers and managing projects.
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