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Mednarodni projekti vir: SICRIS

Trajnostno upravljanje s talno organsko snovjo: Kompromis med sekvestracijo C in izgubami dušikovega oksida, metana in nitratov

Raziskovalci (1)
št. Evidenčna št. Ime in priimek Razisk. področje Vloga Obdobje Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  16283  dr. Borut Vrščaj  Rastlinska produkcija in predelava  Vodja  2021 - 2024 
Organizacije (1)
št. Evidenčna št. Razisk. organizacija Kraj Matična številka Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  0401  Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije  Ljubljana  5055431  14 
The agricultural sector is the largest contributor of greenhouse gas emissions (including, in addition to CO2, nitrogen oxide or methane). The latter two gases are major contributors to the positive radiative forcing of the planet and even small impacts on their fluxes could hamper climate change mitigation efforts. Although soil management strategies (SMS) are known to increase soil carbon sequestration and also affect nitrogen oxide and methane fluxes, data and knowledge is still very scattered. Therefore, the overall objective of the SOMMIT project is to assess what (nature and quality of organic matter inputs), how much (quantity of organic matter inputs), how (method of application of organic matter inputs), when and where (soil and climatic conditions) soil management strategies applied in mineral soil agroecosystems increase soil carbon sequestration, while mitigating nitrous oxide and methane release from the soil and N losses. In addition, the project proposes indicators to assess the performance of MSS in major agricultural systems in European soil-climatic regions, while ensuring effective stakeholder participation.
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