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Projekti / Programi vir: ARIS

Podpora varstvu rastlin - meroslovje za določanje in sledenje rastlinskih povzročiteljev bolezni

Raziskovalna dejavnost

Koda Veda Področje Podpodročje
2.15.00  Tehnika  Meroslovje   

Koda Veda Področje
2.02  Tehniške in tehnološke vede  Elektrotehnika, elektronika in informacijski inženiring 
Ključne besede
povzročitelji bolezni pri rastlinah, diagnostika, referenčni materiali, referenčne metode, digitalna PCR
Vrednotenje (pravilnik)
Upoš. tč.
Podatki za zadnjih 5 let (citati za zadnjih 10 let) na dan 25. junij 2024; A3 za obdobje 2018-2022
Podatki za razpise ARIS ( 04.04.2019 - Programski razpis, arhiv )
Baza Povezani zapisi Citati Čisti citati Povprečje čistih citatov
WoS  101  2.644  2.363  23,4 
Scopus  115  3.032  2.719  23,64 
Raziskovalci (8)
št. Evidenčna št. Ime in priimek Razisk. področje Vloga Obdobje Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  36320  dr. Špela Alič  Biologija  Raziskovalec  2020 - 2021 
2.  37410  dr. Alexandra Bogožalec Košir  Biologija  Raziskovalec  2021 - 2024 
3.  08276  dr. Marjana Camloh  Biotehnologija  Tehnični sodelavec  2020 - 2024 
4.  19994  mag. Tina Demšar  Biotehnologija  Raziskovalec  2022 - 2024 
5.  23611  dr. Tanja Dreo  Biotehnologija  Raziskovalec  2020 - 2024 
6.  19119  dr. Mojca Milavec  Biotehnologija  Vodja  2020 - 2024 
7.  24505  dr. Manca Pirc  Biotehnologija  Raziskovalec  2020 - 2024 
8.  34129  Neža Turnšek    Tehnični sodelavec  2020 - 2024 
Organizacije (1)
št. Evidenčna št. Razisk. organizacija Kraj Matična številka Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  0105  Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo  Ljubljana  5055784 
Plant pathogens have been a challenge for food security since the beginning of the domestication of wild plants. Several plant diseases, such as the Irish Potato Famine of the 19th century, have contributed to significant societal changes. Nowadays, the awareness of potentially devastating socioeconomic consequences of harmful organisms is higher than ever before, and many efforts on national and international levels have led to a better understanding of plant pest epidemiology and management. Laboratory diagnostics is an integral part of plant health management. By detecting and identifying material contaminated with pathogens, their exclusion from agricultural production chains is possible. For quarantine plant pathogens, a zero-tolerance concept is in place. The aim of the official control laboratories is to detect the pathogen in as low concentration as possible: To achieve this reliable surveying, sensitive, repeatable and accurate methods are needed. Another important specific of plant pathogen diagnostics is the fact that many methods are mainly used in preventive surveys and consequently a large proportion of results of tests are negative. In such cases, where the reliability of the results can be questionable, well characterized controls are needed. Diagnostic methods are prescribed either by the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) or by regional plant protection organizations, where they exist (e.g. EPPO in the EU). In line with their capacities, laboratories can use different methods, which can greatly vary in sensitivity. Consequently, the comparability of results among different laboratories is compromised and can lead to socioeconomic consequences and international trade disputes. In recent years, many efforts have been put in improved harmonization among laboratories in Europe. The work program of the European Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) is, among others, aiming at common approaches for introduction and validation of methods and several research projects have been dedicated to validations, ring tests for diagnostic methods, inter-laboratory tests for specific plant pathogen, and test performance studies. In many of these activities, a low comparability of results was identified. This is not surprising, as laboratories prepare in-house controls for both validation and routine testing themselves since in the field of plant health, reference materials and reference methods that would support the development and comparability of methods are missing. As molecular methods are an important component of many diagnostic schemes, or even the only method allowing sensitive and high throughput detection of certain plant pathogens, the aim of this project is to investigate the establishment a nucleic acid (NA) analysis based reference measurement system (comprising development of high accuracy reference method(s) and value assigned reference material(s)) to better support plant pathogenic bacteria diagnostics. To achieve this aim, most relevant bacterial plant pathogen model organisms and existing approaches for their detection/quantification will be identified. On one hand, potential reference materials will be prepared end evaluated and on the other hand, potential reference method(s) will be developed and assessed. These will be used for the evaluation of the existing approaches for detection/quantification of model organisms and for comparison of potential reference method(s) to orthologous methods. Finally, guidelines for the development of reference materials and reference method(s) for plant pathogens will be prepared.
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