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Mednarodni projekti vir: SICRIS

Aktivni in pametni materiali za transport in shranjevanje ter vitrine kot orodje za preventivno konserviranje kulturne dediščine

Raziskovalci (7)
št. Evidenčna št. Ime in priimek Razisk. področje Vloga Obdobje Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  17844  dr. Irena Kralj Cigić  Kemija  Raziskovalec  2019 - 2022 
2.  38132  dr. Ida Kraševec  Kemija  Raziskovalec  2019 - 2022 
3.  35335  dr. Jernej Markelj  Kemija  Raziskovalec  2019 - 2022 
4.  36328  dr. Eva Menart  Kemija  Raziskovalec  2019 - 2022 
5.  13530  dr. Helena Prosen  Kemija  Raziskovalec  2019 - 2022 
6.  53720  dr. Tjaša Rijavec  Kemija  Raziskovalec  2019 - 2022 
7.  15670  dr. Matija Strlič  Kemija  Raziskovalec  2019 - 2022 
Organizacije (2)
št. Evidenčna št. Razisk. organizacija Kraj Matična številka Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  0103  Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo  Ljubljana  1626990  10 
2.  0613  NARODNI MUZEJ SLOVENIJE  Ljubljana  5055482000 
Most Cultural Heritage objects housed by museums are often stored under unsuitable climate conditions. APACHE will develop a cutting edge technology to control and prevent the degradation of such patrimony. The novel approach is based on three pillars: 1) advanced sensing and absorbing materials to control the artifacts’ environment; 2) modeling to define the threshold of artifacts’ degradation and to discriminate between the need for preventive or remedial conservation; 3) remote control of the works of art stressors. The unique combination of these pillars will reduce to the lowest possible level the costs actually required by conventional technology for art conservation. New generation of active and intelligent display cases, crates, and storage boxes, will be implemented thanks to: i) The unique APACHE partnership, comprising the most important experts in the three aforementioned pillars; ii) The development of easy-to-use sensing devices able to communicate through Wireless Sensor Networks and Radio Frequency Identification Devices thanks to Industry 4.0-5.0 ICT technologies, granting the optimal environmental conditions around the art objects. Multiscale models integrated in an open simulation environment will be used to predict the degradation of artefacts and set the properties of sensors (detection limits) and polyfunctional absorbents. APACHE includes small, medium, and large museums exhibiting representative variety of display and storage conditions. For instance, the Venice Peggy Guggenheim Collection features one of the most important collections of modern/contemporary art, which experiences highly unfavorable environmental conditions, difficult to control with conventional tools. Centre Pompidou and National Museum of Hungary possess a vast amount of artefacts stored in deposits (e.g. in crates and boxes). Moreover, a decision-making tool composed by a modular set of decision trees will be offered to end-users to guide them through the best solutions.
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