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Mednarodni projekti vir: SICRIS

Resource-efficient Circular Product-Service Systems

Raziskovalci (1)
št. Evidenčna št. Ime in priimek Razisk. področje Vloga Obdobje Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  31735  mag. Simon Kotnik  Upravne in organizacijske vede  Raziskovalec  2018 - 2022 
Organizacije (1)
št. Evidenčna št. Razisk. organizacija Kraj Matična številka Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  1446  GORENJE gospodinjski aparati, d.o.o.  Velenje  5163676000 
The overall goal of ReCiPSS is to explore success factors for circular manufacturing systems in two cases where OEMs have different levels control over their value chains: one case with full control, and one case with partial control. The project will achieve this goal through two industry-driven large-scale demonstrators of circular manufacturing systems in two key industriesThe white goods demonstrator relates to a tightly connected value chain and will demonstrate the successful implementation of circular manufacturing systems where the OEM (Gorenje) is in full control of the entire product throughout all stages (i.e. design, manufacturing, forward supply chain, customer use phase, reverse supply chain, recovery activities and re-distribution). The demonstrator will develop and implement a pay-per-wash offering for 300 washing machines, using co-creation methods. Each washing machine will be refurbished twice and serve over 3 life cycles of 5 years. The generalization of this new business model should lead to additional revenues of €150M per year. The automotive spare parts demonstrator relates to a more complex value chain where the OEM (Bosch) does not have full control of the product throughout all stages. In order to demonstrate how third-party automotive remanufacturers can be effectively integrated in circular supply chains while keeping their independence from the OEM, the demonstrator will streamline the reverse logistics flow for 80,000 cores, enabling aftermarket stakeholders to close the loop by using a single service provider for reverse logistics. Cores will be identified and evaluated only once and then directly shipped to the final destination (remanufacturer), allowing cost savings of €5 per core i.e. potential savings of €175M per year if generalized throughout the industry. Co-creation workshops with stakeholders will ensure that the way the used cores are identified and transported is optimally aligned with the needs of all parties involved.
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