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Mednarodni projekti vir: SICRIS

Design, Implementation and Evaluation of a BLEnded MObility continuous education course for RADiographers

Organizacije (1)
št. Evidenčna št. Razisk. organizacija Kraj Matična številka Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  0382  Univerza v Ljubljani, Zdravstvena fakulteta  LJUBLJANA  1627155  14.732 
Background: Continuing education (CE) for qualified radiographers lacks to address necessary skills related to the competency of learning. Furthermore, many qualified radiographers do not have the opportunity to meet, discuss and learn together with their foreign colleagues. Objectives: The main objective of this project is to design, deliver and evaluate a transnational blended mobility continuous education course for qualified radiographers which addresses the competency of learning and consequently leads to an actual change in working practices. Number and profile of participants: Six Slovenian, six Finnish and six Belgian qualified radiographers will participate in a transnational blended mobility continuous education course. Description of activities: In Belgium, Finland and Slovenia, a seminar is organized to inform the professional radiographers associations and hospitals about the blended mobility course. After selection and proper preparation, the course participants are enrolled in an 8 week blended mobility course. This course consists of 5 virtual mobility (videoconference) course days and one week of physical mobility. In the one week of physical mobility, the course participants go abroad and receive a radiopharmaceutical course (three days) and do a clinical internship (two days). Methodology: A questionnaire (survey) is used to describe similarities and differences in working practices among radiographers in Finland, Slovenia and Belgium. Measurements of the course participants occupational radiation doses are also carried out. Both the survey and radiation dose measurements are done before and after the blended mobility course to evaluate the effect of the course. Results and impact: It is expected that the course participants will develop learning skills such as self-reflection, critical appraisal, problem solving and collaboration. This will result in transnational agreed guidelines which will have an impact on working procedures. Furthermore, this project will encourage educational institutes and professional radiography associations to make much more use of blended mobility in regular and continuing education.
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