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Mednarodni projekti vir: SICRIS

EU no Borders

Organizacije (1)
št. Evidenčna št. Razisk. organizacija Kraj Matična številka Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  0309  Univerzitetni rehabilitacijski inštitut Republike Slovenije - Soča  Ljubljana  5053919000  5.835 
"EU no borders" takes place in Naples (Italy) from 20th to 26th April 2015. 25 youth worker and activ representants youth organisations from 23 youth organisations and 21 Europe-, Eastern Europe and South Eastern Europe countries, meet each other in this project, with the objectives to compare and to exchange about life- and work situations, the youth policies among these countries, the social- and pedagogical work with youth people, the methodological approches and work philosofies of the "men in charge". This project aims to explore mothe the theme youth inclusion, searching new and common work platforms addressed to the estabilishment of effective partnerships in frame Erasmus Plus program. The project is proposed by 3 youth organisations (Mosaico in Italy, Hair Redivivus in Romania and Baltic Regional Funf in Latvia) and it'll be developed through the collaboration of all participants, giving a big importance to the “participation”, to the initiative created and realized through the contribute of everyone, where contents and results are enriched by the experiences from other countries, borns in different social work contexts. The activities included in the daily program aim to create the largest number of opportunities to know and be known. Visits to local (social) youth projects, prepared causing a moment of interaction with their normal activities, allow the multinational participating group to share realities and needs of the visited area, and will represent at the same time the start points for transfering issues, experiences and (best)practices, from the local to the international youth work's level. Reflection and reporting of the results during the meeting (in small- and big workgroups) will be proposed and implemented through informal work methodologies also by the participants themselves, another "way" for to share the project and its outcomes. English, french, spanish and Italian will be the working languages.
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