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Mednarodni projekti vir: SICRIS

Modernisation of Post-Graduate Studies in Chemistry and Chemistry Related Programmes

Organizacije (1)
št. Evidenčna št. Razisk. organizacija Kraj Matična številka Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  1540  Univerza v Novi Gorici  Nova Gorica  5920884000  14.448 
The central aim of the project is to contribute to creation of a more flexible and a more responsive system of high quality master programmes and courses in chemistry that meet professional, employer and workplace needs and the wider desires of Serbian society. This aim will be achieved through meeting the following objectives.- Modification and regulation of learning outcomes and competences of existing master programmes in line with best EU practices- To modernise curriculum delivery and quality standards of the Master programmes in chemistry in line with the recommendations for the Euromaster label;- Development of new interdisciplinary master programmes at universities in SerbiaThe project team will undertake a range of activities that will contribute to meeting these objectives. These activities include: the development and implementation of benchmarking and quality control/assurance procedures; modernisation and harmonisation of curriculum outputs with best European practice; updating academic and professional skills of Serbian faculty; modernisation of IT and laboratory facilities; development of teaching materials using e-technologies; implementation of continuing professional development and lifelong learning strategies; and stakeholder and thematic support network building. Project outputs will be widely disseminated through workshops, seminars and a conference. Maximum use will be made of web-based social networking tools to widely discuss and highlight project achievements and outcomes. The focus of these activities being not only to train a cadre of excellence but to ensure that excellence is disseminated widely and adopted extensively in HEIs in Serbia.A master programme in Environmental Chemistry will be developed and accredited using the modernisation procedures developed and implemented in the initial stages of the project. The programme will be designed to directly address the agenda of sustainable environmental development in Serbia.
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