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Mednarodni projekti vir: SICRIS

BK Hilden goes Europe

Organizacije (1)
št. Evidenčna št. Razisk. organizacija Kraj Matična številka Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  0105  Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo  Ljubljana  5055784  13.517 
The vocational college "Berufskolleg Hilden" as the sending organisation expands its international activities by searching and finding placements for students with organisations, enterprises and institutes in European countries, in order to reinforce their linguistic, inter-cultural and professional skills and knowledge. The 37 participants of the project belong to different sections: 2-year-course in biotech, 3-year-course in IT and students of commercial education. Before attending Berufskolleg Hilden these students decided to work in very different professional areas and have reached different qualifications and certificates. The above mentioned project includes 3 different activities matching the 3 different sections. At a very early stage all students are informed about the possibility of internships abroad. Their interest is also aroused by separate informative meetings held by former interns reporting about their experiences in foreign countries. They get information about current partners of the Berufskolleg Hilden and about organisational and financial aspects. At the same time the existing contacts are carried on to emerge the current data according to supervisors and contact persons. The individual facts are directly given to the participants in order to start a personal contact and relationship to the tutors at an early stage; i.e. before departure. In the section dealing with commercial education the students start their placement in cooperating companies and contact them through their employers. According to the section/activity varies the duration of their stay. In the biotech section the students stay abroad for at least 3 months, in the section of commercial education the stay is only 3 weeks and in the IT section the student stay for 2 months. When beeing abroad a continual contact between the participants, the tutors and coordinators in Hilden is secured. In addition to that a personal visit of the teachers in charge is effected; respectively in the BTA and IT sections. In the end the Training Agreement and the Europass will be worked out and signed mutually. All students write an internship report which is proof read and evaluated by their teachers. These reports offer an insight into the increase of language, professional skills and experiences, as well as into social and intercultural competences of the students. Furthermore the reports as well as presentations are used for evaluation. Posters and presentations function as a tool for spreading the results. Moreover organisations and other interested parties are informed by these activities in order to establish the Berufskolleg Hilden as School of Europe (Europaschule) focussing on the major target of internationality.
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