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Mednarodni projekti vir: SICRIS

Quality assurance in pharmacy education and training in Europe

Organizacije (1)
št. Evidenčna št. Razisk. organizacija Kraj Matična številka Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  0787  Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za farmacijo  Ljubljana  1626973  17.911 
Rationale.In Europe, pharmacy education and training (PET) is changing due to the demands of the EU directive on sectoral professions, the Bologna process, changes in healthcare organisation and economics, and changes in the pharmaceutical/biotechnological industries. In the face of this an EU QA system and network have to be developed in order to tune PET and ensure excellence in this area.Outputs.1. Establishment of European network in QA for PET. This will provide a source of information on QA in any given HEI and / or country.2. Survey existing QA systems used and produce report3. Develop a model for QA for PET based on (2) and modified Delphi/TUNING interaction with partners. This will allow harmonisation of the multitude of very diverse QA frameworks.4. Test the model and readjust as required.5. Propose a finalised model for application of QA in Europe and elsewhere. This will provide a basic harmonized model for QA for PET in Europe.6. Disseminate and exploit the final model through EAFP and other channels so as to create the European QA in PET networking system and agency.Impact.PHAR-QA will impact on all European HEI staff and students but the final stake-holder will be the European patient who will benefit from a better pharmaceutical service using better medication.
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