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Mednarodni projekti vir: SICRIS

Fulfilled learning: learning and training form a place of fulfilment and purpose

Organizacije (1)
št. Evidenčna št. Razisk. organizacija Kraj Matična številka Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  2657  RACIO razvoj, d.o.o  CELJE  1686470000 
Educators and trainers are often perceived by the groups they work with and/or the people that hire them as 'perfect' meaning that they know exactely what they are doing and what the outcomes and impact of the methods they use on the group and the individual learners will be. Often trainers and educators are considered as good as their group management skills or the nice tools and methods they know and use. Although it might work for the trainers/educators involved for a while, they very often start to wonder who they really are as a trainer/educator away from the image of perfection. Who are they really as a person and as a trainer from within? What values, passions and talents drive them in working with groups and focusing on the learning of the people they work with? What fulfills them about being an educator/trainer? During this pilot training course we focus on the innovative concept fulfilled learning meaning learning that has it roots in the place of authenticity, creativity and fulfilment we all have inside of us and enables us to embrace imperfection as a normal state of being and still feel enough. The innovative concept of 'fulfilled learning' is based content wise on wholehearted living (we are all imperfect and enough and can live a wholehearted life) from Brené Brown and connects the core beliefs of self-directed learning (all learners know there learning needs and are capable of fulfilling them) and co-active coaching (all humans are naturally creative, resourceful and whole) as a new approach of learning and of supporting learning as an educator/trainer. The objectives of this course are: to offer educators ( trainer, youth worker, volunteer, teacher etc) the safe, courageous and supportive non-formal and self-directed learning environment to: - experience and explore what it means to live and learn from a place of authenticity, creativity and fulfilment and feel what it means to embrace imperfection and still feel enough - experience what it means to use self-directed learning and co-active coaching as ways to support fulfilled learning as an approach - transform or adapt their approach to and of learning processes as a supporter of learning based on the concept of fulfilled learning and to explore what impact that has on themselves and the learners they work with - exchange about the opportunties and challenges in the specific educational context of each participant to implement fulfilled learning in some degree - spread the fire about fulfilled learning in the partner organisations and where the educators work and continue to learn and grow as a practioner of fulfilled learning together with others (from within and outside of this training course) What? A 5 day training course for educators to learn the fundamentals of fulfilled learning as a way to support learning When? 12 (arrival) till 18 (departure) October 2014 Where?Berlin (Germany) , accommodation still to be determined For who? Educators who want to dig deep into the concept of 'fulfilled' learning and ways to support fulfilled learning processes in their own educational contexts. Max 24 participants from 6 countries. Approach: non-formal and self-directed learning approach in which the participants will be able to direct their own learning and explore the concept of fulfilled learning in the way that suits their learning needs best. Activities: for details please see the detailed program in annex Results: the participants have a clear understanding of what fulfilled learning means and how to use it to support learning processes in their own educational contexts and the partners organisations support their participants in further developing their fulfil
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