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Mednarodni projekti vir: SICRIS

CHARISM - Case Management for unemployed Youth

Organizacije (1)
št. Evidenčna št. Razisk. organizacija Kraj Matična številka Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  0309  Univerzitetni rehabilitacijski inštitut Republike Slovenije - Soča  Ljubljana  5053919000  5.835 
One of the key challenges across Europe concerning Youth is: • to solve the extremely vulnerable situation of unemployed Youth in regard of an appropriate vocational educational training • In some EU member states the youth unemployment rate is currently higher than 40%. That means, nearly every second young person is out of work in some EU countriesAlthough youth unemployment is very high, no common European solution and measures were found so far, how to promote the reintegration of young people into the labour market and combat youth unemployment.The aim of the project CHARISM is: 1. to combat Youth unemployment across Europe 2. to develop a common European solution/model individually adapted to the different needs of countries, how to find and support youth during their job respectively apprenticeship seeking and application processThe most important innovative procedure to find brand new solutions is: • the use of Case Management with a focus on face to face as well as ICT learning to a limited extend, because of the particularities of the target group • The general framework is based on the Copenhagen Process (CP), especially on EQF, ECVET and EQAVETThe main goals are: • To contribute achieving the priorities of the CP for 2011-2020 by • developing and rolling-out a well-founded Case-Management-concept which will help to elaborate and support the individual strengths of unemployed youth, to combat the bad situation of unemployed young person • “CHARISM-passport” based on ECVET, to improve the transparency and recognition of non-formal competences individually elaborated soft-skills • Database for disseminators, that the substantiality beyond the project is ensured • All project materials are offered in different languages to all EU-countries. Thus all of them are able to combat youth unemployment with the same methodological approach based on the instruments of CP
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