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Mednarodni projekti vir: SICRIS

Equass in practice. Implementation of quality assurance for VET-providers in vocational rehabilitation according to the EQUASS Assurance standard, (European Quality in Services), in some selected EU-countries.

Organizacije (1)
št. Evidenčna št. Razisk. organizacija Kraj Matična številka Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  0309  Univerzitetni rehabilitacijski inštitut Republike Slovenije - Soča  Ljubljana  5053919000  5.835 
EQUASS Assurance (European Quality Assurance in Social Services) is a system for quality assurance and certification in vocational rehabilitation and social services. EQUASS Assurance is developed by European Platform for Rehabilitation (EPR) together with key stakeholders at European and international level, hereby; user organisations and employer- and employees organisations. The system and the quality criteria are based on key values for the sector that are widely approved by internationally experts. The reason for this project was that feedback from VET providers indicated that some found the requirements difficult to understand, and that it was unclear how to implement them. The objective of this project has been to develop and share best practice for how VET-service providers may work to implement the EQUASS Assurance certification programme, with the aim of improving quality of their services and to achieve sustainable working practice and routines. To day it is a growing awareness of how to secure good quality among VET-providers in most European countries.The objective for the 6 partners from Lithuania, Slovenia, Portugal, Belgium, Ireland and Norway has been to make this system more easily available to all VET-providers within the sector of vocational rehabilitation. This included development of methods, guidelines and strategies which resulted in a practical web-based manual which will coach the VET-providers through their QA work (quality assurance), and enable them to become certified. The project have also established a pool of approved auditors in each country.All partners work within the field of vocational rehabilitation, four as VET providers, and two as non profit, non governmental associations for VET providers. The dissemination and explotation of the results from the project has been facilitated by arranging project meetings for the partners throughout the project period. The project was completed by arranging a final partner seminar and by publishing the manual on the internet. This will result in sustainable routines and working methods beyond the project.
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