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Mednarodni projekti vir: SICRIS

Hands-On ICT: Learn, practice, teach creativity and ICT

Organizacije (1)
št. Evidenčna št. Razisk. organizacija Kraj Matična številka Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  3353  Evro-sredozemska univerza  Piran  3487288000  1.148 
The pervasiveness of ICT often makes us forget that these technologies are just the means to an end. Nowadays, most teachers face the incorporation of ICT tools in their teaching activities as a burden. However, ICT tools are not the problem per se. The encumbrance is being alone in the process of searching, selecting, setting up, including it in classrooms, troubleshooting and evaluating its impact. The teachers that have the courage and time to go through this process tend to be successful but often end up unwilling to attempt it again. The Hands-On ICT (HANDSON) project aims at facilitating the integration of ICT tools in teaching and learning by developing a learning-by-doing environment to be explored by themselves or via the guidance of a mentor. The environment offers teachers a set of learning activities complemented with 1) the competences it addresses, 2) the lesson plan, 3) the open source ICT tool, 4) the open content, 5) a sandbox for the tool. In addition, teachers find a ready-to-use online space to bring students over to carry out the activities with the appropriate ICT. To summarize, HANDSON is a holistic environment that provides teachers everything they need to acquire skills in ICT and use of the most suitable ICT tools for a given pedagogical activity while also providing the cloud arena for putting into practice these activities with students.The initial activities will be based on creativity techniques. By addressing transversal competences in today’s knowledge society we reach out to teachers across a wide variety of sectors and subject contents. The HANDSON environment allows for the practice required to really learn a creativity method. The HANDSON environment main targets are SE and VET teachers and HE faculty members. Teacher trainers are also the main users of the project outputs. The main goal is to improve the quality of teaching and learning by increasing the digital skills of both teachers and as a consequence of students.
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