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Mednarodni projekti vir: SICRIS

The Hero's Journey

Organizacije (1)
št. Evidenčna št. Razisk. organizacija Kraj Matična številka Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  2657  RACIO razvoj, d.o.o  CELJE  1686470000 
"The Hero's Journey" with subtitle Rite of Passage Approaches and Techniques in Contemporary Youthwork" is an experiential and an educational 7 days long training course for 25 youth workers from 7 different countries (BE, CZ, DE, HU, IT, SI, UK). It will take place in Czech Republic on 30. 9. - 8. 10. 2014. Main topic of the TC are rites of passage and their potential in contemporary youthwork. Participants will have a chance to experience and learn how to use rites of passage and especially The Hero’s Journey model in their work in order to be able to guide young people through adolescence to healthy adulthood. It can support youngsters to be more confident in entering the demanding world of adults. Struggling to find and hold a job will be easier for them and they could more successfully develop their own identity. The training course will have an experiential part - passing and reflecting on various techniques of rites of passage, educational part - deepening theoretical background and discovering how to use all the knowledge and skills back home, in contemporary youthwork, and strong emphasis on supporting learning process, so that youthworkers can use full potential of the training course. Red threat of the TC will be Joseph Campbell's model of personal growth and dealing with challenges in life - The Hero's Journey. In general we would like to promote approaches and techniques based on rites of passage and initiations which cultivate resilience among young people, support the professional discussion on these topics and create support network of professionals interested.
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