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Mednarodni projekti vir: SICRIS

Museum Sign Language Guide.

Organizacije (1)
št. Evidenčna št. Razisk. organizacija Kraj Matična številka Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  2657  RACIO razvoj, d.o.o  CELJE  1686470000 
In the Museum Sign Language project, partners from 3 European countries worked together towards the common goal of increasing access to museums, and museum exhibitions, for deaf and hearing-impaired persons. Partners developed and tested a series of Museum Guides for Deaf People using video technology alongside the latest smart phones for delivery. Videoguides were presented, using local sign languages, for collections in Germany (Veste Coburg Art Collection), Austria (Schönbrunn Palace) and Slovenia (Museum of Recent History). In addition to the 3 museum videoguides, developed during the project lifetime, partners additionally produced guidelines for museums promoting such inclusive practice for the future.
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