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Mednarodni projekti vir: SICRIS

Energy Efficiency Competence Master

Organizacije (1)
št. Evidenčna št. Razisk. organizacija Kraj Matična številka Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  0792  Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo  Ljubljana  1626981  26.215 
Construction sector represents one of Europe's major contributors to energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. Building sector is rather conservative to adopt new technologies and practices. The partnership for recording, registration and definition of the formal and informal competencies focused on concepts of adaptable, recyclable, sustainable and energy efficient buildings has been identified in assisting individuals and organizations in construction sector. The partnership consists of Slovenian network of University and industry. The purpose of the project is to provide availability of knowledge infrastructure and raise awareness about sustainable development and energy efficiency in construction sector. It is very important to decrease gap between requirements of functional needs and available technical solutions to popularize use of low-energy solutions among vocational trained population and wider. Within the project competence database as transfer of innovation from Denmark will be established to ensure management and transparency of available knowledge. Database will provide necessary informations to build custom tailored learning modules to cover variety of needs and levels of 'Eco' skills in construction sector. Database will provide a platforme designed to identify and register new competencies when appearing during the course development process. Learning modules will be packet in SCORM standard which will make them flexible and reusable in various e-learning systems. Training courses will cover generic competencies from sustainable development field focused on energy management, low energy buildings, life cycle costing. The contents from UK energy efficiency courses will be transfered through BSRIA. BSRIA is a member association with over 50 years experience, supporting industry through advice, testing, instruments, research and guidance to promote energy and water efficiency, best practice in construction and effective operation of buildings. The planned outcomes of the project will assist the learning processes at the individual, organisational and system levels. EECM will provide a web-based competencies database to assist developers of the learning courses, which can be used by employers, organizations, schools and individuals participating in construction sector. Pilot e-learning course Eco master will provide model for efficient use of database in course design and training process and implementation of new knowledge in every day work.
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