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Mednarodni projekti vir: SICRIS

Renewable materials and healthy environments research and innovation centre of excellence

Raziskovalci (6)
št. Evidenčna št. Ime in priimek Razisk. področje Vloga Obdobje Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  39386  Janja Juhant Grkman  Materiali  Raziskovalec  2017 - 2022 
2.  39463  dr. Igor Karlovits  Kemijsko inženirstvo  Raziskovalec  2017 - 2022 
3.  31400  dr. Urška Kavčič  Komunikacijska tehnologija  Raziskovalec  2017 - 2022 
4.  39385  dr. Gregor Lavrič  Kemijsko inženirstvo  Raziskovalec  2017 - 2022 
5.  37333  dr. Katja Malovrh Rebec  Energetika  Raziskovalec  2017 - 2022 
6.  22407  dr. Alenka Ojstršek  Tekstilstvo in usnjarstvo  Raziskovalec  2017 - 2022 
Organizacije (7)
št. Evidenčna št. Razisk. organizacija Kraj Matična številka Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  1988  Univerza na Primorskem Universita del Litorale  Koper  1810014 
2.  0219  Inštitut za celulozo in papir  Ljubljana  5051681 
3.  0795  Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za strojništvo  Maribor  5089638010 
4.  1502  Zavod za gradbeništvo Slovenije  Ljubljana  5866324000 
5.  2316  Javni zavod Republike Slovenije za varstvo kulturne dediščine  Ljubljana  1423215 
6.  3333  NACIONALNI INŠTITUT ZA JAVNO ZDRAVJE  Ljubljana  6462642 
7.  3770  InnoRenew CoE Center odličnosti za raziskave in inovacije na področju obnovljivih materialov in zdravega bivanjskega okolja  Izola  7233817000 
Slovenia was identified as a region lagging in innovation within the Horizon2020 WIDESPREAD 2014-1: Teaming call for proposals, and this is is particularly noticeable in the country's forest-based value chain. However, the vital core of Slovenia’s renewable resource-based value chain has retained access to international markets and a significant production capacity in spite of an overall workforce reduction. Therefore this industry exhibits a strong potential for growth, which was identified in the Smart Specialization Strategy of Slovenia. The Smart Specialization Strategy of Slovenia calls for inter-sectoral networking and integration of the wood chain in the design of homes and working environments of the future. It promotes research and innovation deriving from traditional knowledge and skills related to wood and wood-compatible natural materials and seeks to increase added value and export of companies by 15% by 2023. In order to leverage this potential by facilitating collaborations between industry and academia in this sector, the Renewable materials and healthy environments research and innovation Centre of Excellence (InnoRenew CoE) was established. With support and guidance from the advanced partner, Fraunhofer WKI, scientific research and development activities will be transferred rapidly and effectively to the industry and through them to society in the form of innovative new products and processes.
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