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Mednarodni projekti vir: SICRIS

WBC Virtual Manufacturing Network – Fostering an Integration of the Knowledge Triangle

Raziskovalci (1)
št. Evidenčna št. Ime in priimek Razisk. področje Vloga Obdobje Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  08302  dr. Tomaž Rodič  Materiali  Vodja  2009 - 2012 
Organizacije (1)
št. Evidenčna št. Razisk. organizacija Kraj Matična številka Štev. publikacijŠtev. publikacij
1.  1555  Univerza v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta  Ljubljana  1627074 
The proposal is to establish efficient and effective mechanisms and structures for collaboration between key actors in the ‘knowledge triangle’ in parts of the WB region: RS, BA (Rep Srpska), HR and ME. It aims to enhance and modernise HE capacity in VMT (virtual manufacturing technologies) and develop a new model for university-enterprise collaboration. The specific objectives are: "• To set up and equip regional Collaborative Training Centers in four WBC countries, aimed at enhancing the universities’ collaboration with industry, professional training and student practical placement in industry• To enlarge VMnet network throughout the WBC region, bringing new experts in the area of virtual product development and members of academia, research, business and governments• To develop, assess and implement new regional model for university-enterprise cooperation through international partnerships with recognize EU institutions• To modernize and adjust vocational training programme to address the needs of small business and labour market• To provide students with opportunity to gain practical experience in industry"
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