Projects / Programmes source: ARIS


Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
5.03.00  Social sciences  Sociology   

Code Science Field
S000  Social sciences   

Code Science Field
5.04  Social Sciences  Sociology 
Social tourism, models of soc. tour., soc. tour. programmes/products, seniors and soc. tour., soc. tour. support mechanisms, system measures, Slovenia
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (11)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  32537  Ana Allegra    Technical associate  2015 
2.  38447  Asta Domijan    Technical associate  2016 - 2017 
3.  22690  PhD Janja Gabruč  Economics  Researcher  2015 - 2017 
4.  06391  PhD Anton Gosar  Geography  Researcher  2015 - 2017 
5.  08524  PhD Jasna Hrovatin  Architecture and Design  Researcher  2015 - 2017 
6.  29276  PhD Emil Juvan  Economics  Head  2017 
7.  34055  PhD Mojca Kompara Lukančič  Linguistics  Researcher  2015 - 2016 
8.  18547  PhD Dejan Križaj  Economics  Researcher  2015 - 2017 
9.  27824  MSc Zorana Medarić  Sociology  Researcher  2015 - 2017 
10.  18581  PhD Mateja Sedmak  Sociology  Researcher  2015 - 2017 
11.  29382  PhD Tjaša Žakelj  Sociology  Researcher  2015 - 2016 
Organisations (3)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  1510  Science and Research Centre Koper  Koper  7187416000 
2.  1718  University of primorska Faculty of tourism studies Portoož - Turistica  Portorož  1810014004 
3.  2707  Faculty of design, An independent higher education institution  Ljubljana   2156539000 
The main objective of the project Identification, classification and potential development of social tourism products in Slovenia, oriented towards senior programmes is to promote the increase of the competitiveness of Slovenian tourism in the field of the social tourism product development. Social tourism is also consistent with the principles of sustainable tourism development and brings numerous economic and social benefits for individuals and society as a whole. Due to the assumption that the definition of social tourism in Slovenia (and also elsewhere) is very vague, it is consequently very difficult to identify different social tourism programmes or models and ensure their successful development, as well as that of the required support mechanisms. Since the potentials of social tourism in Slovenia are not sufficiently exploited, the aim of the project is (1) to analyse the situation in the field of social tourism in Slovenia, and (2) to analyse the developmental needs and potentials required in the field of social tourism product development in Slovenia, (3) to formulate proposals for systemic measures of sector policies, which will serve as a base for the development of competitive social tourism products and services in Slovenia, (4) to develop a prototype portal supporting the development and promotion of social tourism, and finally (5) to inform and disseminate the project results. The work methods that will be used in the project are, in addition to the analysis of literature, research and strategic documents, also a) semi-structured interviews with key representatives of social tourism in Slovenia - a qualitative research method, and b) an online survey distributed among the representatives of the tourist economy – a quantitative research method. The defined project tasks are formulated in twelve work packages, which are enclosed in four subject areas. In the first subject area "Analysis of the situation in the field of social tourism in Slovenia", the following will be performed; (1) a theoretical definition of social tourism, (2) identification and classification of Slovenian social tourism senior programmes using existing models of social tourism and based on analysis, and (3) design of a brochure for information on social tourism, which will be given to potential users - providers and tourists on the basis of which (4) workshops on social tourism for interested representatives of tourist economy or other public institutions or NGOs will be organised. In the second subject area the "Analysis of development needs and potentials of the Republic of Slovenia in the field of social tourism product development" consists of four work packages. We will carry out (5) the identification and presentation of existing social tourism support mechanisms in Slovenia, focusing on the senior population, (6) the analysis of existing support systems and good practice of social tourism mechanisms in other countries and (7) the analysis of existing experience and good practice of mechanisms for international exchanges in other countries. This work package (8) also aims to verify the interest of the tourism industry in social tourism products. The third subject area the "Formulations of proposals for systemic measures at policy level" is oriented towards (9) the preparation of proposals for systemic measures of sector policies, which will form an important basis for the development of social tourism in Slovenia. The fourth and last work package entitled "Final Report, Information and Dissemination" is intended (10) for the preparation of the final report, (11) the feasibility study for the development and creation of a portal supporting the development and promotion of social tourism, and finally, (12) to plan and implement the dissemination of project results.
Significance for science
Socialni turizem je tema, ki je tako v Sloveniji kot širše podraziskana, tako, da bo eden od ključnih doprinosov projekta za turistično stroko že v naslavljanju teme in celoviti obravnavi socialnega turizma. V okviru projekta bodo identificirani dodatni kriteriji za klasifikacijo različnih programov socialnega turizma  s čimer bodo dopolnjeni obstoječi evropski modeli socialnega turizma in njihove dimenzije. Poleg tega bodo prvič identificirani in klasificirani programi in produkti socialnega turizma namenjeni starejšim v Sloveniji. Na enem mestu bodo tudi zbrani programi in dobre prakse socialnega turizma. Pomemben doprinos bo tudi na ravni terminologije, saj bo v okviru projekta opredeljen termin socialni turizem, ki je najbolj relevanten za rabo v slovenskem prostoru. Rezultati projekta bodo predstavljali strokovne podlage za službe, ki se pri svojem delu srečujejo z različnimi vidiki socialnega turizma. Predvsem pa bodo poleg uporabne vrednosti v stroki, predstavljali pomembno osnovo za nadaljnje strokovno in znanstveno raziskovanje socialnega turizma v Sloveniji oziroma razvoja tega področja.
Significance for the country
Rezultati projekta bodo imeli neposreden in posreden pomen za gospodarstvo. Projektni rezultati bodo osnova za razvoj učinkovitejših politik na področju socialnega turizma, ki bo tudi v skladu s smernicami aktualne Strategije razvoja slovenskega turizma. Projekt bo predstavljal temelj za razvoj področja socialnega turizma, ki bo imel neposreden vpliv na povečevanje nacionalne konkurenčnosti oz. konkurenčnosti slovenskega turizma: Socialni turizem namreč prinaša številne ekonomske koristi (Calypso Initiative, 2010), pri čemer naj izpostavimo predvsem spodbujanje gospodarske rasti, zmanjševanje vplivov sezonskosti na poslovanje, ohranjanje zaposlitev in generiranje novih zaposlitev v turizmu ter omogočanje razvoja regij. Rezultati projekta bodo imeli vpliv na povečanje konkurenčnosti slovenskega turizma tudi z razvojem novih inovativnih programov/produktov socialnega turizma – v smislu specializacije ponudbe, višanja kakovosti turističnih storitev oz. s spodbujanjem obstoječih programov socialnega turizma (z ustreznimi podpornimi mehanizmi financiranja), ki sedaj ostajajo predvsem v domeni nevladnih oz. neprofitnih organizacij (razvoj socialnega podjetništva). Socialni turizem ima tudi potencial za razvoj učinkovitejših mehanizmov mednarodne izmenjave, ki dolgoročno prav tako prinašajo gospodarsko rast in učinkovitost. Slovenija lahko postane prepoznana kot evropska destinacija socialnega turizma.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2016, final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2016, final report
Views history