Projects / Programmes source: ARIS


Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
6.01.00  Humanities  Historiography   
6.02.00  Humanities  Archaeology   

Code Science Field
H000  Humanities   

Code Science Field
6.01  Humanities  History and Archaeology 
Northern Adriatic, liminality, contact, Primorska, Western Slovenia, Medieterranean
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (23)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  38227  PhD Matic Batič  Historiography  Junior researcher  2015 - 2019  125 
2.  27531  PhD Urška Bratož  Historiography  Researcher  2015 - 2019  96 
3.  50466  PhD Denis Cerkvenik  Historiography  Junior researcher  2017 - 2019 
4.  27937  PhD Dragica Čeč  Historiography  Researcher  2015 - 2019  194 
5.  10756  Peter Čerče  Archaeology  Technical associate  2015 - 2019  51 
6.  22368  PhD Nadja Furlan Štante  Theology  Researcher  2016  259 
7.  35489  PhD Manca Grgić Renko  Historiography  Junior researcher  2015 - 2016  174 
8.  02570  PhD Mitja Guštin  Archaeology  Researcher  2015  574 
9.  25576  PhD Katja Hrobat Virloget  Ethnology  Researcher  2015 - 2016  500 
10.  24376  PhD Borut Klabjan  Historiography  Researcher  2015 - 2019  363 
11.  50738  Mateja Krmelj    Technical associate  2017 - 2018 
12.  29463  PhD Gašper Mithans  Historiography  Researcher  2018  108 
13.  23810  Alenka Obid  Political science  Technical associate  2015 - 2019  56 
14.  12648  PhD Egon Pelikan  Historiography  Researcher  2015 - 2019  268 
15.  32128  Vesna Pintarič Kocuvan  Archaeology  Junior researcher  2015 
16.  17051  PhD Jože Pirjevec  Historiography  Head  2015 - 2019  808 
17.  30859  PhD Jure Ramšak  Historiography  Researcher  2015 - 2019  144 
18.  15635  PhD Mateja Režek  Historiography  Researcher  2018 - 2019  189 
19.  15876  Vida Rožac Darovec  Historiography  Technical associate  2015 - 2019  145 
20.  26260  PhD Alenka Tomaž  Archaeology  Researcher  2015 - 2016  173 
21.  34513  Erik Toth  Historiography  Junior researcher  2015 - 2016  24 
22.  21752  PhD Tomislav Vignjević  Art history  Researcher  2015 - 2019  534 
23.  50741  Martina Žerak    Technical associate  2017 - 2019 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  1510  Science and Research Centre Koper  Koper  7187416000  13,773 
The aim of the programme entitled “The Mediterranean and Slovenia” is to continue the studies dealing with Primorska liminality as reflected in the interaction of Mediterranean and central European social and economic systems and institutions, various types of administration and structural characteristics of Primorska towns, social and production relations, legal systems and other differences, which resulted in multilateral blending of cultures on the one hand, and in antagonisms and consequently social, interethnic and international conflicts on the other. The programme will analyze political, social and demographical changes in this border area from the perspective of “long duration”. The analysis will take into account the multifaceted dependence of this area on various policies (economic, demographical, social, etc.) and radical political changes, which affected it throughout its history. The issues addressed will be dealt with not only from the point of view of political and diplomatic shifting of borders, but also from the economic, social, ethnic, cultural and civilizational perspectives. The programme will include the analysis of architectural remains and material culture, the aim of which is to reconstruct settlement patterns and to define broader historical and economic processes. It will also investigate the social and cultural history of town-run institutions, the issue of imposing social discipline and control, crises and their management, the solutions to social issues and the development of social policies, and other significant aspects of social life. The research into contemporary history will shed light on totalitarian and authoritative ideologies (“border fascism”, “border socialism”) and regimes in Primorska, international dimensions of resistance movement during WWII, and the transformation of the social structure as a result of political changes, with special emphasis on the repopulation of the coastal area and the formation of the new social reality. The researchers will also address the key issues of divided memory in this border area. The programme will continue to systematically collect and register different types of sources kept by Slovene and foreign archives, as well as to update and upgrade the existing databases, which will serve as a basis for further research into historical demography and social history. Special attention will be paid to archival materials that shed a new light on even the most disputed issues related to the common past. Methodologically speaking, the programme group will aspire to surpass nationally centred narratives by employing the comparative and transnational approaches, as well as the so called 'histoire croisée’. It will perform quantitative analyses, employ quality reading of historical materials, and carry out data cross-comparisons. Placing special emphasis on relations between the centre and the peripheral/border areas, the research will be pronouncedly comparative in nature.
Significance for science
The analysis of historiography and textbooks that exert a crucial impact on the formation of collective memory reveals that Slovene historiography pays insufficient attention to the fact that for centuries the Slovene territory has been a pronouncedly border area, with liminality and the border manifesting themselves as its constant historical features at several levels. Situated at the meeting point of the Mediterranean, central Europe and the Balkans, the area is characterized by the contact between the Slavic, Germanic, Romance and Finno-Ugric worlds, as well as by the vicinity of the former Ottoman Empire. Not surprisingly, the demarcation lines and, consequently, the political and legal systems have been changing continually. Today, the border and liminality are still important factors not only in the fields of politics and administration (e.g. different nationality and administrative division) but also in the broadest institutional, economic, social, ethnic, cultural and civilizational sense. By analysing the multifaceted role of this contact area, the programme group will shed light on its multilayered history. Though relatively small, the area offers a number of intriguing research questions. Our research will be of special importance for science owing to the fact that it will analyse a long segment of history spanning from the antiquity to the post-war period. It will start with the analysis of the ancient Greek and Roman presence in the area, and continue with that of the Migration Period, the Slavic settlement, the history of the Slavic-Romance border, the history of the contact between Venice and Byzantium in the area, Renaissance, economical and political relationships in early modern period and societal as well as cultural changes in the 18th cent. The analysis of the issues related to modern and contemporary history will cover the rise of national movements and national ideologies in the area. Special attention will be paid to the development of Trieste, Koper and Gorizia and the relations of these border towns with their hinterlands. The history of the area also exhibits special features when it comes to WWI and WWII. In addition to the afore-mentioned “contact issues”, it is marked by the confrontation of the 3 dominant ideologies of the 20th cent., owing to which WWII forms a complex historical issue in this part of the world. Its consequences were still felt in the postwar period when the afore-mentioned towns played a special role in the Cold War. Finally, the analysis will take into account the issue of national minorities on both sides of the Slovene-Italian border. The research results will fill the gap in the relevant research field in Slovenia and the international area. The research topic will be dealt with by addressing the local, regional, national and global aspects of social life, with particular emphasis on the relations between these 4 levels. We are convinced that such an approach will enable us to break new ground in this field of scientific research, thus making a valuable contribution to the academic community.
Significance for the country
The research into the history of the area where several national identities co-exist is of vital importance for efficient cross-border integration. In the past, the area in question was characterized by rigid cultural, ideological and political boundaries, with many of them having been recently reproduced or even resurrected. It is difficult to imagine efficient communication at the broadest social level without thorough background knowledge of stereotypes and symbolic characteristics of excluding national narratives that still hinder the cooperation between the neighbouring nations despite recent political and economic integration. Within such a context, the research will be of benefit to the development of history curriculum and extracurricular activities both in Slovenia and in the Italian area where the Slovene minority lives since we will pay special attention to the importance of national minority protection and the necessity of intercultural dialogue. Most importantly, our research work will be of great value to the entire Slovene society as it will facilitate better understanding of historical processes that make Western Slovenia a complex and unique area. By studying and interpreting them, we would like to improve the knowledge of this area both in the Slovene and international context and, as a result, contribute to the growth of its development potential. With the area boasting diverse cultural heritage, we would also like to evaluate and classify it, thus increasing the knowledge of it and helping to preserve it. The research results will be available to all public institutions so they will be able to use it for conceiving socio-economic development plans, improving education, facilitating intercultural communication, and conserving cultural heritage. Furthermore, they will form the basis for applications for EU structural funds and the development of innovative products in tourism. In this respect, the UP SRC has gathered broad experience as it has been a project manager or partner in a number of European territorial cooperation projects, as well as applied projects funded by various ministries, local communities and private companies. Moreover, it intends to participate in the Horizon 2020. The researchers will disseminate their thematic, theoretical and methodological findings through two platforms: either through the educational process at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Primorska (where they teach at all study levels) or via scientific conferences and guest lectures where they will address foreign experts. Thus they will also promote Slovene science in the international arena and deepen the collaboration with research institutions from the USA, Austria, Germany, Russia, Italy, etc., as well as foreign publishing houses where the programme group members publish their scientific texts.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2015, interim report, final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2015, interim report, final report
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