Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Gut microbiota in health and disease

January 1, 2014 - December 31, 2017
Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
3.01.00  Medical sciences  Microbiology and immunology   
4.06.00  Biotechnical sciences  Biotechnology   

Code Science Field
B000  Biomedical sciences   

Code Science Field
3.01  Medical and Health Sciences  Basic medicine 
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (10)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  32190  Sara Beigot Glaser  Microbiology and immunology  Technical associate  2015 - 2016 
2.  50730  Stina Hedžet  Microbiology and immunology  Junior researcher  2017 
3.  33406  PhD Nikolaja Janež  Biochemistry and molecular biology  Researcher  2015 - 2017 
4.  30755  PhD Sandra Janežič  Microbiology and immunology  Researcher  2014 - 2017 
5.  37544  PhD Aleksander Mahnič  Microbiology and immunology  Junior researcher  2014 - 2017 
6.  37543  PhD Dominik Nabergoj  Pharmacy  Junior researcher  2014 - 2017 
7.  16327  PhD Matjaž Peterka  Biotechnology  Researcher  2014 - 2017 
8.  12728  PhD Aleš Podgornik  Chemical engineering  Researcher  2014 - 2015 
9.  12278  PhD Maja Rupnik  Microbiology and immunology  Head  2014 - 2017 
10.  37161  Tanja Vrabič  Microbiology and immunology  Technical associate  2016 - 2017 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  3030  Center of Excellence for Biosensors, Instrumentation and process Control  Ajdovščina  3660460 
2.  3334  National Laboratory of Health, Environment and Foodstaffs  Maribor  6489087 
Gut microbiota influences many aspects of host health, and one of the important roles is protection against pathogens. In this project gut microbiota will be studied by molecular and cultural methods and comparatively in in-vitro model (to be established within this research), in patients and healthy volunteer populations. Studied groups will include different populations of Clostridium difficile patients, patients with different antibiotic treatments and in long term prospect also patients colonized with ESBL or VRE. In-vitro model will be additionally used for studies of gut microbiota modulation with nonatibiotic approaches (phages, probiotics) and for interactions of C. difficile with gut microbiota.
Significance for science
Research of the role of gut microbiota for human health is currently one of most developing and promising fields in medical and microbiological research. Approaches could be divided into two groups: analysis of faecal/mucosal microbiota in individuals or analysis of microbiota within in vitro artificial systems. The results of the research proposed in this application will contribute to 1) basic knowledge of human gut microbiota, 2) role of microbiota in interactions with pathogens, 3) possibilities to modulate microbiota by antibiotics, probiotics, phages, 4) possibilities to use the gut microbiota modulatons for contol of important nosocomial pathogens (C. difficile; multi resistant Gram negative bacteria –ESBL; VRE...) for which the gut is one of the main reservoirs. It is expected that the results will be published in international journals with high impact and presented in national and international conferences.
Significance for the country
Gut microbial community has an important role in metabolism and immunity and is associated with numerous diseases. It was already recognized that development of new approaches to study and modulate gut microbial community is important task for scientific community, society and business sector. The main goal of proposed program is development of research platform for in-vitro studies of gut microbial communities. Developed system will enable basic scientific research of gut microbiome having direct impact on human health .  At the same time it is expected that we will develop new technologies having commercial impact. Developed gut model will enable in-vitro studies of early stage microbiota modulation products such as probiotics, antibiotics, antibacterial peptides and bacteriophages. Therefore, the model will become a basic for contract research activities that could be licensed or marketed through a start-up company. Optimization of nucleic acid and protein isolation protocols could lead to development of new and broadly applicable products such as isolation kits. Such products could be licensed or marketed through new companies. In all these cases Program will have direct economic impact by new high added value products, services and new employments of highly educated people. Developed in-vitro gut model will have a potential to connect several Slovenian research groups being active on the field. Such concentration of knowledge, people and resources will boost development and in addition increase the socio-economic impact of the Program. Researchers of the proposed Program consortium are connected internationally ensuring that developed in-vitro model will be used by global research and business community. Community will also benefit from bachelor, PhD and post doc students educated in the Program.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2014, 2015, 2016, final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2014, 2015, 2016, final report
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