Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Water science and technology, and Geotechnics.

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.20.00  Engineering sciences and technologies  Hydrology   
1.08.00  Natural sciences and mathematics  Control and care of the environment   

Code Science Field
T220  Technological sciences  Civil engineering, hydraulic engineering, offshore technology, soil mechanics 

Code Science Field
2.07  Engineering and Technology  Environmental engineering  
1.05  Natural Sciences  Earth and related Environmental sciences 
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (36)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  19443  PhD Nataša Atanasova  Hydrology  Researcher  2014 - 2015  273 
2.  21237  PhD Tom Bajcar  Process engineering  Researcher  2014 - 2016  194 
3.  35409  PhD Nejc Bezak  Hydrology  Researcher  2014 - 2016  350 
4.  27684  PhD Martin Bombač  Hydrology  Researcher  2014 - 2016  123 
5.  08379  PhD Mitja Brilly  Hydrology  Researcher  2014 - 2016  1,088 
6.  08247  PhD Matjaž Četina  Hydrology  Researcher  2014 - 2016  590 
7.  11495  PhD Darko Drev  Chemical engineering  Researcher  2015 - 2016  643 
8.  21680  PhD Vojkan Jovičić  Civil engineering  Researcher  2014 - 2016  718 
9.  38109  PhD Mateja Klun  Hydrology  Junior researcher  2015 - 2016  82 
10.  34371  Mojca Kogoj  Hydrology  Technical associate  2014 - 2016 
11.  34230  PhD Sabina Kolbl Repinc  Hydrology  Researcher  2014 - 2016  134 
12.  18166  PhD Marko Komac  Geology  Researcher  2016  521 
13.  03540  PhD Boris Kompare  Hydrology  Researcher  2014  865 
14.  26067  PhD Aleksandra Krivograd Klemenčič  Control and care of the environment  Researcher  2014 - 2016  303 
15.  08354  PhD Andrej Kryžanowski  Hydrology  Researcher  2014 - 2016  464 
16.  14111  PhD Mario Krzyk  Hydrology  Researcher  2014 - 2016  426 
17.  05985  PhD Janko Logar  Civil engineering  Researcher  2014 - 2016  2,445 
18.  30040  PhD Matej Maček  Civil engineering  Researcher  2014 - 2016  467 
19.  08245  PhD Matjaž Mikoš  Hydrology  Head  2014 - 2016  1,564 
20.  23635  Sabina Mišigoj  Hydrology  Technical associate  2014 - 2016  51 
21.  26112  PhD Gorazd Novak  Hydrology  Researcher  2014 - 2016  131 
22.  09399  PhD Jože Panjan  Civil engineering  Researcher  2014 - 2016  1,133 
23.  09146  PhD Ana Petkovšek  Civil engineering  Researcher  2014 - 2016  961 
24.  15688  PhD Tomaž Podobnikar  Geodesy  Researcher  2014 - 2016  615 
25.  11712  PhD Boštjan Pulko  Civil engineering  Researcher  2014 - 2016  763 
26.  29190  PhD Gašper Rak  Hydrology  Technical associate  2014 - 2016  262 
27.  15525  MSc Primož Rodič  Hydrology  Technical associate  2014 - 2016  161 
28.  24342  PhD Simon Rusjan  Hydrology  Researcher  2014 - 2016  308 
29.  23474  PhD Simon Schnabl  Civil engineering  Researcher  2014  306 
30.  33748  PhD Jasna Smolar  Civil engineering  Technical associate  2015 - 2016  376 
31.  09274  PhD Franc Steinman  Hydrology  Researcher  2014 - 2016  843 
32.  32032  Maruša Špitalar  Hydrology  Researcher  2014 - 2015 
33.  16258  PhD Mojca Šraj  Hydrology  Researcher  2014 - 2016  760 
34.  10924  PhD Andrej Vidmar  Hydrology  Technical associate  2014 - 2016  319 
35.  37446  PhD Katarina Zabret  Hydrology  Junior researcher  2014 - 2016  119 
36.  12068  PhD Dušan Žagar  Mechanics  Researcher  2014 - 2016  770 
Organisations (2)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0792  University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering  Ljubljana  1626981  26,187 
2.  1500  Institute for hydraulic research  Ljubljana  5885434000  535 
We are proposing continuation of the existing research programme "Hydrotechnics, hydraulics, and geotechnics" under a new name and with the same load of 3 FTE. The proposed programme is the only one in the research field 2.20 Hydrology, and with its wide coverage of topics and goals it covers the whole field of Water science and technology. A logical connection is given with geotechnics, a typical branch of civil engineering. Thuis, the research programme covers besides technical-engineering issues also natural sciences aspects (hydrology, ecohydrology and ecohydraulics, erosion and sedimentation, landsliding). Due to its exclusivity in the field of water science and technology, and at the same time due to a limited financing, the research programme must ensure research excellence of in-depth theoretical research as well as uniform coverage of very different topics in the field of water science and technology, and geotechnics. To the research programme contribute 3 chairs from the Department of Environmental Civil Engineering of the Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering (FGG) of the University of Ljubljana (UL) and a stand-alone public research Institute for Hydraulic Research (IHR) from Ljubljana. The research programme is divided into 4 fields: - hydraulics, hydrodynamics, and water management - hydraulic engineering and hydrology - sanitary engineering and environmental engineering - geotechnics Within the framework of research activities in the above mentioned fields of water science and technology and geotechnics are running theoretical and applied investigations under laboratory conditions and in the field, supported by analysis of our known measured data, modelling of investigated processes and transfer of theoretical and applied knowledge into practice. A new topic in the field of hydraulic engineering to be researched in the years to come in this research programme is dam engineering. The research programme contributes to the world knowledge and supports solving problems related to waters and soils in Slovenia. The contribution to science runs through publications in renowned journals, publishing of highly citated papers, serving as editors in SCI journals, cooperation in numerous European and bilateral research projects and in different professional associations. The contribution to Slovenian society runs through pedagogical work at the doctoral level by supervising PhD candidates and offering them sound research environment and real-life problems to be solved in doctorates, by good cooperation with water and construction sector in Slovenia and thus being involved into planning, execution or maintenance of important water, road and energetic infrastructure, and by active involvement in professional societies.
Significance for science
Introduction of new methods (e.g. Lattice-Boltzmann) and techniques (coupling of debris- or water-flow models with sediments, waves and various pollutants) in non-steady state hydraulic and ecological models is a significant improvement in the complex modelling of environmental processes, which enables collaboration with foreign institutions and high quality publications. Introduction of new measuring methods to the areas where they have not yet been implemented requires original adaptations, improvements of measurements and post processing. In this way two-fold research goals are achieved – upgrading of measuring methods and new knowledge from the areas of hydraulics, hydraulic equipment and water habitat. As concerns the measuring methods, this involves new knowledge about tracers (hydrogen bubbles, solid particles, colorants) and parameters of flow visualisation, while experimental results will give new correlations about the laws of water flow and objects in it, as well as the conditions for the water life. An important part of the proposed programme are hydrologic studies that are in their content harmonised with the International Hydrological Program (IHP) of UNESCO. In the world an acute crisis in water resources management has set in. All over the world damages caused by water related disasters (e.g. floods, landslides) have increased, and the available water resources are drying up (e.g. droughts). The research within the proposed programme will be a direct component of joint worldwide efforts for decreasing the consequences of natural disasters (INTERPRAEVENT, UNESCO). The studies in experimental watersheds are a part of the research of the AMHY group of the UNESCO FRIEND project. We will develop the observations and studies in experimental watersheds together with research teams from other countries within the HELP UNESCO program and the EPDRB program. Research projects from the field related to problems of the water environment and its regulation are among the priority tasks of the EU. The research program presents a transfer of the state-of-the-art methods and procedures on the field of dam engineering in Slovenia. These methods will also be developed using monitoring results of the existing dams in Slovenia. Thus, in many segments of the dam risk assessment, the dam-safety standards will be improved. With the developed mathematical model and computer program (software) a better and more efficient design of new and re-calculation of existed concrete-gravity dams will be possible. Use of hydrocyclones for the separation and extraction of the matter from suspended water reduces the investment costs for the classical decanters. In addition, we also anticipate the reduction of the total cost in the life cycle (investment+operation). The importance for science is in new structural forms of hydrocyclones. Increased reuse of matter and reduced waste in urban environment promise large economic and environmental effects, as well as indirect improvement of the dwelling environment and considerable social effect. The importance for science is in new understanding about the connection among all the above components and their adequate or optimum combinations. The proposed research topics in the geotechnical field are also active among international geotechnical community. Our developments in numerical methods and material models will be published in international journals and conferences. Moreover, they will be available for practical use for future geotechnical projects. Laboratory and in-situ tests on samples of particular soil, rock or binder have broad value: they are directly useful for the treatment of particular material and on the other hand side together with similar investigations elsewhere enable the synthesis of knowledge and generation of more general conclusions.
Significance for the country
Water is a prerequisite for sustainable development, which preserves the natural conditions and cultural (water management) heritage, and at the same time makes possible the development of anthropogenic activities (economic, leisure, etc.). Waters are the Slovenian natural wealth asking for management and economic governance based on the knowledge of water rules. The natural characteristics of waters in Slovenia are unique and diverse, so we need to look for adequate solutions at home on the basis of systematic and up-to-date field measurements and other data gathered in the water environment and in experimental watersheds (the hydrologic part of the programme). The proposed reasearch sets are directly connected to the public interest in the field of waters, since they deal with the key questions of water and other infrastructure (e.g. maintenance of existing large dams and operation optimisation of existing and planned river hydro power plants), they investigate the indicators (quantitative, qualitative, potentials etc.) of the status of water bodies (e.g. modelling of ecosystems), processes of planning, programming and monitoring of measures to protect the society from water related disasters (floods, mass movements) and to protect waters (e.g. advanced technique for sewage treatment plants), they give methodologies for proper and economic usage of waters, which as a limited natural condition limits the development. The programme will, with its activities and results, – and as the only one in this field –, support the development of water management as an important engineering professional activity (Waters Act, civil engineering branch of the Engineering Chamber of Slovenia) in its many parts, that is, in the field of monitoring, development of data bases, regionalisation of parameters and development of bases for planning and maintenance of large engineering structures in the field of water structure. A series of European directives on waters have been adopted or are in preparation (Water Framework Directive, Flood Directive, Soil Directive) and ask for the implementation in each member state. By doing that a cooperation of the profession and politics is needed, so that the spirit and vision of each directive is carried out under the specific conditions in each country separately and in the best possible way. Due to the growing exposure of the society, economy and natural and cultural heritage to natural and other disasters, it is urgent to investigate the level of exposure, possibility of occurrence and the expected extent of consequences. All this is also addressed in the new European directive on Critical Infrastructure Protection, where the water infrastructure is clearly declared as one of the key elements in each society. Since the water sector is clearly in the public domain, the field of this research programme will contribute the key bases for functioning of the (water) public administration. The good status of the water environment, which is also in good order, is a key element for the preservation of diversity in the habitats under threat (threatened often also by waters themselves), but is also a key element of harmonious regional development, e.g. by assuring a water source for proper, economic and multipurpose (legitimate) water usage.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2014, 2015, final report
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2014, 2015, final report
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