Projects / Programmes source: ARIS

Bio and -nano integrated processes for targeted (multi)functionalisation of synthetic materials

Research activity

Code Science Field Subfield
2.14.02  Engineering sciences and technologies  Textile and leather  Textile chemistry 

Code Science Field
T470  Technological sciences  Textiles technology 

Code Science Field
2.05  Engineering and Technology  Materials engineering 
Carbon-TiO2-nanotubes; Bio-phenol compounds; Enzymes; Functionalization; Synthetic materials; Antimicrobial properties
Evaluation (rules)
source: COBISS
Researchers (1)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  25790  PhD Mojca Božič  Chemical engineering  Head  2013 - 2015  219 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0795  University ob Maribor, Faculty of mechanical engineering  Maribor  5089638010  24,213 
The project relates to research and development of highly active antimicrobial synthetic materials. It covers the enzymatic synthesis and characterization of new functional polymers, and by them modification of carbon-TiO2-nanotubes, as well as the integration of the modified nanotubes onto synthetic aromatic polymers (e.g. polyethylene terephtalate, polybutylene terephthalate, polyurethane, etc.).   The first aim of the project will be to increase the photocatalytic activity (i.e. antimicrobial activity) and biocompatibility of the carbon-TiO2-nanotubes. This will be achieved by permanent modification of the carbon-TiO2-nanotube via “sidewall functionalisation” performed by ‘in situ’ bio-synthesized colourized photosensitizers. Procedure will be based on enzymatic oxidation of natural low-molecular-weight phenols yielding phenoxy radicals, which in contact of nanotube C=C bond produce a new radical site centered on the nanotubes, with ability of coupling phenoxy radicals and leading to the covalently attached phenol or its polymerized products (e.g. photosensitizers). For that purpose oxidase with region- and/or chemo-selective (i.e. tyrosinase, laccase) catalytic activity will be applied in aqueous solutions for the soluble phenolic substrates and in biodegradable water-miscible organic solvents when using insoluble substrates. Research activities of nanotube modification will be supported by chemical, structural and morphological analysis and by the definition of theirs antimicrobial and biodegradable properties.   The second aim of the project will be permanently attaching of the highly active modified nanotubes onto the polymer surface and thereby providing durability of the specialty effect (i.e. antimicrobial activity). Modified carbon-TiO2-nanotubes with the most efficient photocatalytic activity will be covalently bonded to aromatic based polymers by radical coupling reaction. Enzymatic coupling via C-C, C-O and C-N bonds will be carried out direct and/or indirect with the mediator employment. The special challenge for ecologically effective functionalisation will be in the developing in situ simultaneous synthesis and grafting of photosensitizer-carbon-TiO2-nanotubes onto aromatic polymer surfaces. This will be assessed through medium engineering, (i.e., substrate and enzyme concentration and theirs dose-dependent manner, reaction pH, temperature, etc.).
Significance for science
The scientific relevance of the project is reflected in the results: (i) Explained is structure-effect relationships of various natural phenols used as laccase and/or tyrosinase substrate in the synthesis of new functional colorized compounds. Extensive research, performed in this project, is revealing dependence of enzyme-catalysed environment on the structure different phenol derivatives reactions i.e. radical cation formation, hydrogen abstraction, stabilisation of phenoxy radicals, etc. In addition, a quantitative structure-effect relation between grafting and polymerisation tendencies of different phenolic structures is established. (ii) The combination of different sophisticated experimental techniques (ATR-FTIR, Raman, XPS, SEM and EPR) was firstly lead to the fundamental knowledge of the chemistry occurring at surfaces and interfaces of carbon-TiO2-nanotubes and secondly between modified nanotubes and aromatic synthetic materials. This allowed to gain advanced knowledge for modelling/predicting of the structure/composition reactivity/surface properties relationships of the materials, by means of characterization of the bulk and surface properties under real operation conditions and for preparing materials with tenable properties. (iii) All new discoveries on the synthetic polymers composition, the processes of target multi-functionalisation of polymers surfaces, characterisation and optimisation of multi-functional properties and relevant advance in the methodology proposed will considerably contribute to the development of science and/or several scientific fields (e.g. fibre and material science, photocatalytic science, chemistry of polymers, biophysics of polymers, nanotechnology and biotechnology) by results being published in international high-level scientific literature. In order to reach parts of Slovene audience that does not have the access to this literature, selected articles will be featured in national scientific and professional press, and professional conferences, which will fruitfully enhance the discussion and exchange of ideas within the scientific community, an unavoidable pre-condition for successful development of science.
Significance for the country
Synthesis of antimicrobial highly effective modified carbon-TiO2-nanotubes and development of ecological friendly functionalization processes of various aromatic polymers, allowing one-step continuous synthesis and grafting process and thus mass production of antimicrobial synthetic surfaces will lead to the new technological knowledge and open up the potential for patent application. Spreading of knowledge and the eventual use of the patent for the cost effective production of antimicrobial synthetic materials will allow Slovenian and European manufacturers to maintain competitiveness. Knowledge and experience gained will offer direct application in the different Slovenian textile and automotive companies e.g. Juteks as one of the main Slovenian floor coverings producer or Johnson Controls NTU as manufacture of automotive and furniture products. Juteks floor coverings are made of high-quality raw composite materials (e.g. polyurethane surface coated) in accordance with the most advanced technology. Their production line offers also an antimicrobial type of floor coverings. At the moment company is using Vanquish SL10 as antimicrobial additive. Due to its high price (15€/kg) and environmental issue’s (classified as Xn – Harmful and N – Dangerous for the environment) Juteks is looking for a new antimicrobial material. Achieving antimicrobial effect with bio-nanoscale titanium compounds holds great promise to fulfil the following expectations: compatible price, low odour, broad-spectrum activity, non-arsenic based, compatible with polyurethane and possibility of direct application on polyurethane floor covering surface. The project could thus lead to increased product range, expanded markets, new jobs and turnover of small and medium-sized enterprises through the development of novel bionanofinishing technologies and new functional materials with broad range of applications in home textile, automotive, furniture, protective, etc.
Most important scientific results Annual report 2013, 2014, final report, complete report on dLib.si
Most important socioeconomically and culturally relevant results Annual report 2013, 2014, final report, complete report on dLib.si
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