International projects source: SICRIS

World Year of Physics 2005: Activities in Europe

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  6988  The House of Experiments  Ljubljana  5993415  145 
2005 will mark the 100 anniversary of A. Einstein's annus mirabilis, with his three seminal works on the photo-electric effect, the special theory of relativity, Brownian motion, which shaped physics theory and practice in the 20th century. On the eve of the 21st century, the European Physical Society, in Berlin during the 3rd World Congress of Physical Societies introduced a motion to declare 2005 as the World year of Physics that was unanimously adopted. Using Einstein's impact on physics and on society, a series of events marking the importance of his contributions, and the importance of physics to our cultural heritage, and technological and economic development are planned around the world in 2005. The present funding request federates 25 participants, and 33 projects designed to make WYP2005 a success in Europe.With the policy statements contained in the communication Towards a European Research Area, we are confronted with a need to increase awareness of the importance of scientific research in meeting future challenges in many key areas, such as energy production, environmental protection, health and economic development. Physics will play an important role in providing the necessary tools to develop the appropriate responses to these urgent questions. Physics research will also be a key to the development of other sciences, such as biology and medicines.Europe's ability attain the goals in the ERA document requires that it maintain and develop its scientific base.Policy makers, teachers, students and the general public need to be informed and interested in scientific development and its contributions to society. A new generation of scientists needs to be trained, and the importance of physics research needs to be highlighted.A bottom up approach has been taken in the present proposal. Each of the participants is responsible for the implementation of their respective work packages.
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