International projects source: SICRIS

Improvement of comprehensive bio-waste transformation and nutrient recovery treatment processes for production of combined natural products

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  3211  KOTO proizvodno in trgovsko podjetje, d.o.o., Ljubljana (Slovene)  Ljubljana  5005647  12 
The objective driven goal of this SME targeted project is to improve the currently used compost and biochar treatment systems, towards advanced, efficient and comprehensive bio-waste treatment and nutrient recovery process with zero emission performance. The improved output products are safe, economical, ecological and standardized compost and bio-char combined natural fertilizers and soil amendment agricultural products used by farmers. The added value and energy efficient transformation of urban organic waste, farm organic residues and food industrial by-product streams made by improved carbonization, biotechnological formulation and upgraded composting technologies, with particular attention to the recovery of nutrients, such as phosphorous and nitrogen. The targeted high quality output products aiming to reduce mineral fertilizers and intensive chemicals use in agriculture; enhancing the environmental, ecological and economical sustainability of food crop production; reducing the negative footprint of the cities and overall contributing to climate change mitigation. In this context the improved bio-waste treatment process opens new technical, economical, environmental and social improvement opportunities, while improving the use, effectiveness and safety of the resulting compost and bio-char products in agriculture. The output products developed in a standardized way to meet all industrial, agricultural and environmental norms and stands in European dimension. Proactive and coherently integrated cooperation made between multi level stakeholder in Europe, with result oriented potential benefit to SMEs and farmers for more efficient utilization of the final products by the end-users. The project is providing strong support for policy makers for the revision of relevant policies, while setting up future common bio-waste recycling targets, common quality standard requirements for bio-waste treatment, compost and bio-char quality and trading requirements.
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