International projects source: SICRIS

A knowledge-based manufacturing system, established by integrating Rapid Manufacturing, IST and Material Science to improve the Quality of Life of European Citizens through Custom fit Products.

Researchers (1)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  29199  PhD Gregor Cerinšek  Anthropology  Researcher  2004 - 2009  42 
European manufacturing industries have to compete with Far East countries. In recent years, approx. 5% of the turnover from this sector has moved from the EU to the Far East, per annum. This EU sector realises a 1,200 billion Euro turnover with a workforce of 24 million people.To fight competition effectively, the manufacturing sector of Europe has to transform by moving from:- resource based driven manufacturing to knowledge based driven manufacturing (Lisbon)- mass produced single use products to new concepts of higher added value, custom-made, eco-efficient and sustainable products, processes and services (Gothenburg).Developing and integrating a completely new and breakthrough manufacturing process based on Rapid Manufacturing (RM) achieves this. The IP focuses on products that increase the quality of life of the (European) citizen. The emphasis is on medical and consumer products, customised to the shape of the human body.CUSTOM-FIT contributes to the Joint IST-NMP Call 1:- This IP deals with one of the central tenets: Rapid Manufacturing- This IP aims at a more holistic approach to products and associated services creation based on IST. Besides enabling a vertical integration in the value chain and horizontal integration by t he ability to transfer the knowledge to other industrial sectors, this IP results in three main technical breakthroughs:- Automated design system for knowledge based design of Custom-Fit products.- Processing of graded structures of different material compositions.- Rapid Manufacturing for Instant and On-Demand manufacturing of graded Custom-Fit products.CUSTOM-FIT drastically changes how and where products are designed and made. It creates sustainable, knowledge-based employment, which plays a critical role in safeguarding Europe's manufacturing industry.
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