International projects source: SICRIS

Linking and Exploring Authority Files

Researchers (1)
no. Code Name and surname Research area Role Period No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  13390  PhD Mihael Glavan  Information science and librarianship  Head  2001 - 2004  302 
Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0619  National and University Library in Ljubljana  Ljubljana  5056730000  1,324 
The beneficial potential of authority information is presently only partly utilised by cultural heritage organisations: libraries, archives, museums etc. are independently working with them without jointly exploiting this valuable resource. Public users are not involved in this scenario neighbouring work in the commercial sector is not integrated. LEAF proposes a model for harvesting existing authority data and person name/corporate body information in a multilingual environment. Via user queries the LEAF system will automatically and dynamically create a common name authority file with links to organisations that provide information about a person or corporate body and/or items connected to them. The LEAF model will be applicable to all projects and co-operations that are dealing with cultural heritage data in all kinds of institutions by making authority information available to everyone involved. The project results will be implemented by extending an existing, fully functional, international online Search and Retrieval service network of OPACs that provides information about modern manuscripts and letters, the MALVINE project.Objectives:LEAF will develop a model architecture for a distributed search system harvesting existing name authority information (persons and corporate bodies) aiming at automatically establishing a user needs based common name authority file in a specific sector highly relevant to the cultural heritage of Europe. The project results will be implemented by extending an existing, fully functional, international online Search and Retrieval service network of OPACs that provides information about modern manuscripts and letters, the MALVINE project and to extend this into a global multilingual and multimedia information service about persons and corporate bodies based on user needs. The model architecture is intended to be applicable to other kinds of cultural/scientific objects and data, ensuring through the use of authority file information that the representation of the objects in question is one of high quality. The LEAF demonstrator will thus provide a valuable example of how dynamic user interaction with the cultural/scientific content can considerably enhance the user experience.Work description:LEAF will be carried out in three phases. The adminitrative and concertation work will scan the whole duration of the project: The management and administration, the meetings, the dissemination and concertation. As the Standards representation and the Data representation study will have to integrate and to react to ongoing related international development, they are also planned to be carried out during the whole duration of the project.The three phases are:.Phase 1: requirements and analysis (month 1-14) comprehending the Model Requirements Analysis, the Focussing the model with authority file data and the Functional Specifications of the Demonstrator.Phase 2: software development and testing (month 15-27) comprehending the System Development, Preparation of Test Environment and the Model Compatibility Suite.Phase 3: evaluation and validation. (month 28-36) comprehending the Test of the Demonstrator, the Evaluation/ Validation, the Exploitation Planning, the Final ReportMilestones:Milestone 1 (month 14): acceptance of the phase 1 deliverables these being the basic preconditions for the building of the demonstrator.Milestone 2 (month 27): readiness of the demonstrator, verified by testing.Milestone 3 (month 36): evaluation and validation phase completed with the delivery of the final report.Milestone 4: acceptance of the final report and all deliverables by the Commission.
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