International projects source: SICRIS

Best practices for multi actors and multi measures programmes (map) in rtdi policy, with a focus on co-operation science-industry

Organisations (1)
no. Code Research organisation City Registration number No. of publicationsNo. of publications
1.  0552  University of Maribor  Maribor  5089638000 
Objectives Multi Actors and Multi Measures Programmes (MAPs) are complex RTDI-funding programmes addressing not a single firm or research institution but whole (sub-) systems of innovation (e.g. Science-industry co-operations, etc.). The main objective of the proposed thematic network is to bring together MAP-managers, complementary organisations and related policy-makers to exchange experiences and create common and codified knowledge on the specific challenges connected with the complexity of these programmes. Best practices shall be developed that are suited for development, implementation and evaluation of MAPs in defined institutional environments. The results will be laid down in a handbook road MAP that shall contribute to increased efficiency and comparability of the whole RTDI policy cycle.
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